
Monday, September 08, 2008

Slip of the tongue 

You know, when I read this story about Barack Obama's latest slip of the tongue I literally felt sorry for the guy. These candidates are under unbelievable pressure and scrutiny, and at the end of the day I think that all four of them are more creditable human beings by some margin than have run for president in quite some time.

Hard-nosed blogging will return later.


By Blogger Yishai, at Mon Sep 08, 09:54:00 AM:

You know, I also felt bad for him. It is pretty clear what he was trying to say, he is just pretty tired and it slipped. He probably cried after that interview. Of all the slipups possible, I'm sure he is saying, why the Muslim thing?  

By Blogger Purple Avenger, at Mon Sep 08, 10:06:00 AM:

Hard to feel sorry for a him given the rabidly vicious attacks on Palin's family. The empathy just ain't there.

I'll feel sorry for him when he loses. Narcissists take losing very hard.  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Mon Sep 08, 10:11:00 AM:

Likewise P.A., the media has been absolutely brutal on Sarah, so if this leaves a mark, tough luck.  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Mon Sep 08, 10:14:00 AM:

I wouldn't count on it leaving a mark. The media are not going going to be unfair to him, and most level-thinking conservatives know it was just a slip of the tongue.  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Mon Sep 08, 11:23:00 AM:

He has done this before. Earlier, he said he hoped to visit all 57 states. There are 50 U.S states, and 57 Muslim states. Anyone remember Freud?  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Mon Sep 08, 11:40:00 AM:

My question is, why wouldn't he just have added the word "supposed" into the sentense in question?

Why did he insist on saying "my muslim faith", when clearly that's not what he meant?

Crazy as it may sound, I think it's becasue he knew people would jump down his throat for it, and it could change the subject for a moment, and the left could have it's usual reaction of feighned indignation. Otherwise why wouldn't he just have said "supposed".

Unless he's, gasp, inarticulate?  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Mon Sep 08, 11:40:00 AM:

He said those very words, yet when corrected he blames the Republicans and his adviser claims it is being twisted by the right wing Washington Times. But of course you can get the full picture on ABC.

It's not that Barry is Muslim, it's that he is falling apart right in front of us on the campaign and we are not allowed to notice.  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Mon Sep 08, 11:46:00 AM:

I understood what Obama was trying to say and I'm not going to perpetuate this lie (unlike the unhinged Left and their PDS), BUT

if he's tired now, what kind of sleep do you think he'll get if he's President? For crying out loud, this isn't the first time he's slipped (and it certainly won't be the last) and it's the same sorry excuse: I'm tired. I haven't slept much. blah, blah, blah. We don't want a President that "slips up" when negotiating with those terrorists and tiny nations now, do we?

Maybe he should have added a few more uhs, ers, ums, to get his answer straight.

By comparison, John McCain has been campaigning just as hard. What kind of "slip ups" do we have from him? The MSM tried to make something out of his number of houses answer, but other than that nothing. We can be sure if McCain did slip up, we'd all know about it.  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Mon Sep 08, 12:25:00 PM:

The trouble with lying 100% of the time is that occasionally two or more lies will contradict each other.......Freudian slip? I think not.  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Mon Sep 08, 12:32:00 PM:

It may be tiredness or stress. But, he is touted as the most nuanced (read thoughtful) of candidates, even surpassing Kerry. His words are either a deliberate attempt to divert attention and play the victim (race and religion) card, or he is as dumb as he sounds.  

By Blogger Elise, at Mon Sep 08, 12:41:00 PM:

I'm not even sure this was a slip of the tongue. Obama said:

you're absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith.

To me that's just a sloppy way of saying:

you're absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my being a Muslim.

If George S hadn't been so quick to correct him I wonder if anyone would have noticed. (Not, repeat not, attributing any evil motives to George. He's does this sometimes.)

What I'd like to see is a moratorium on the campaigns accusing each other of being "behind" the junk floating around out there. If one campaign has proof the other is spreading dirt, fine. But blaming a campaign for their lunatic supporters is just stupid. There are loose cannons on both sides.

I do agree with TH, though, that I occasionally find myself feeling a little sorry for Obama. He must have figured all his worries were over once Clinton finally (sort of) conceded. I imagine he's in a state of shock at this point.  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Mon Sep 08, 01:12:00 PM:

elise said:
" ... If one campaign has proof the other is spreading dirt, fine. But blaming a campaign for their lunatic supporters is just stupid. There are loose cannons on both sides."

Check the "book burning" slur on Obama's website - that is, if it's still there.

He's complicit. No sympathy.  

By Blogger Elise, at Mon Sep 08, 03:15:00 PM:

Check the "book burning" slur on Obama's website - that is, if it's still there.

He's complicit. No sympathy.

I think the book "burning" issue is a legitimate one. Palin was accused by the Wasilla librarian of wanting to censor library books. I've looked at the evidence and I think the accusation is shaky at best but it's as worthy of examination as questions about, say, Obama's associations with Rezko. (I'll have a post up about what I found by the end of the day.)

As for Obama's Website spreading the "slur": If I Google palin+(book OR library) on www.barackobama.com I get no results; the same Google search on my.barackobama.com returns over 1300 hits.

Obama has done something interesting here. He has set up a section (for lack of a better word) of his Website for user content that appears to be unregulated by his campaign. When something objectionable is reported there, his people remove it but they don't seem to do any pre-screening. If I remember correctly they've removed some anti-semitic stuff and there was that hideous house vs field slave conversation up for a while. (It also looks to me after a cursory investigation like the Obama campaign had tried to remove any reference to the smears about Trig's parentage and were largely successful.)

Having that open forum area is a gamble. On the one hand, I'm sure it helps keep supporters - especially the young, tech-savvy ones we hear so much about - energized and loyal. On the other, it leaves him wide open to charges that he supports everything that's posted there.

I'm also sure the open forum area serves as a handy means of spreading rumors the campaign itself doesn't want to handle but I don't think it was designed that way. It's just a useful bonus.

Overall, I'd say it's a net positive for Obama.  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Mon Sep 08, 03:31:00 PM:

What interesting isn't the fact of the slip, but how quickly George corrected him, almost like he's covering for Obama. One wonders if he would be so quick to correct a McCain slip.  

By Blogger charitygirl, at Mon Sep 08, 04:04:00 PM:

you know, McCain should talk about his being a Muslim, make him stumble a bit...I'm tired too, of hearing all his lies....one lie leads to another...and another. Sorry, can't feel sorry for him.  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Mon Sep 08, 07:46:00 PM:

CharityGirl .. you mean, like Obama's talked about stuff?

As in "hey team, hands off the Palin family, because it's no fair to talk about her daughter being pregnant at 17 and unmarried. Did you hear me? no fair to bash the pregnant teen of the right to life conservative."

And "no fair to talk about the rumors about her, showing up all over the internet for people googling the following search keys."

McCain should be saying "hey, cut the guy a break. When he said he was a Muslim, he didn't mean it. And that stuff about Ayers, Wright, ACORN, hating America, Rezco, and his pathetic voting record has been fully vetted by the MSM. However, if you would like to vet it yourself, please google those search terms for an education, steering of course to a balanced view of things from conservative blogs as well."  

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