Sunday, January 20, 2008
Do not start a business in Pinal County, Arizona
The dirty little secret of federalism is that government gets more intrusive and corrupt the more local you go. Evidence.
UPDATE: More evidence. California wants to require that homes have little transmitters on their thermostats so the State can monitor the temperature at which you choose to live (purportedly to regulate power consumption). Well, if global warming is the greatest public health threat of our age, the regulation of greenhouse gases will be used by government to justify literally any intrusion into our personal lives.
, atWe dont want big brother controling our electricity we should put monitors on AL GORES homes every darn one of them and shut off his electricity
, atThe simple solution is to vote in Pima County supervisors who are not so willing to abuse the powers we have granted to government officials.
, atIt is much better to have distributed government than centralized government for the simple reason that it is easier to vote the local bums out. If that doesn't work, I can always move. Neither option is really available at the federal level.