Tuesday, September 04, 2007
McCarthy on Ledeen
Andy McCarthy reviews Michael Ledeen's new book on Iran, The Iranian Time Bomb: The Mullah Zealots' Quest for Destruction, released just today. Andy writes that "[Ledeen's book] is required reading for anyone — which ought to mean everyone — desirous of understanding the existential threat we face and why its beating heart is Tehran," so I bought it. Based on Andy's review and my own e-friendship with Michael, I suspect that many of our readers would also find it useful and interesting
, atAnd you bought it because your threshold for buying books, like mine, is obviously very low.
By TigerHawk, at Tue Sep 04, 04:15:00 PM:
Well, there's no denying that. But buy it anyway!
By Ray, at Wed Sep 05, 03:10:00 PM:
Existential? I hope not. I don't consider a threat existential until it threatens, you know, our existence as a civilization. Iran doesn't come close to that level yet.
The biggest threat I see Iran posing, in the next two decades, is mild economic damage (by historical standards of war) and maybe the destruction of one or two American cities. Nothing to relax about, but nothing to get hyperbolic about, either.