Saturday, April 04, 2009
Atlas Shrugged rankings watch
We have not checked in on the Amazon ranking of Atlas Shrugged since March 3, when it stood at #38. At this writing, capitalism's greatest novel
is up to an astonishing #18. Surely a sign of the times.
By, at Sat Apr 04, 08:51:00 PM:
Common Sense is #24 in *all* books.
, atWhile checking their best sellers list I noticed Common Sense, The Rights of Man and Other Essential Writings of Thomas Paine is number 23.
By D.E. Cloutier, at Sat Apr 04, 09:01:00 PM:
I wish we knew the locations of the buyers of "Atlas Shrugged." Are most of the buyers in blue states or red states? How many buyers are in university towns? How many are in Japan, China, and other countries?
Answers to those questions would tell us a lot.
Still can't get it on kindle. Amazon and the publisher should quit dithering and cut a deal.
By Unknown, at Sun Apr 05, 05:35:00 PM:
Ideas have consequences. This is a truly hopeful sign for an American culture that I thought lobotomized.
Atlas Shrugged is the great American novel because it is the best defense of America ever written. It is the first and only book to give America the philosophic defense that it so desperately needs.
The little boys at National Review are, no doubt, wringing their collective hands wondering why their infantile attempts to libel Ayn Rand don't work.
By ML Ladd, at Sun Apr 05, 05:10:00 PM:
Still can't get it on kindle. Amazon and the publisher should quit dithering and cut a deal.
Since they're dealing with Leonard Peikoff and his ilk, I'd give them the benefit of the doubt.
By goy, at Sun Apr 05, 07:06:00 PM:
- ... up to an astonishing #18 ...
Last night when I checked, different versions (hardcover, paperback, etc.) actually held four different slots in Amazon's top 100. I don't think I caught any other book holding that distinction.
Don Surber finds the Darfur Times has an article up on Doctors "going Galt". This, even though the left thinks no one would ever do such a thing. Ever. Not going to happen. The very idea is laughable.