
Sunday, January 04, 2009

VDH on Hamas and Israel 



By Blogger JPMcT, at Sun Jan 04, 04:25:00 PM:

Hanson's read is right on. As the old Chinese proverb states - "War doesn't determine who is right,it determines who is left".

I guess is was the 6000th Hamas rocket fired since the "truce" that was the straw that broke the camel's back.

Would that our Congress exhibit a fraction of the SPINE of the Knesset.

Godspeed to Israel. Here's hoping their tanks take down the EU presscorps along with the Hamas terrorists - the two are as inseparable as the Palestinian weapons stockpiles are from their own schoolchildren and hospitals.  

By Blogger Assistant Village Idiot, at Mon Jan 05, 10:04:00 PM:

The International Community just wants the problem to go away, so it can go on with its fantasy that talking solves everything. It seems simpler to them that Israel should go away than everyone else in the region, so they oppose everything that promotes the continuance of Israel.

That last is only a slight overstatement.  

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