Thursday, August 14, 2008
Much as I think that PETA is a clown platoon...
By Assistant Village Idiot, at Thu Aug 14, 09:57:00 PM:
Wow, that'll stop 'em. Once they realize how good life is in Mexico, they'll never want to come here! Maybe we should tell them about the obesity epidemic and the failing economy, too.
, atWhen did we turn into Bizarro World where not eating meat is considered upper class? Historically having meat available to you was considered the mark of being upper class.
, at
Near as I can tell from the conventional thinking in lawyer land, such signs could be construed as a vague implication that said offerings of beef and chicken are easily available if not provided free.
Oh if only PETA could lose that lawsuit and be made to feed thousands of illegals all that beef and chicken they inadvertently promised.
At the very least the signs would encourage more illegals because it would validate their concept that we all have too much to eat and they know they didn't leave the most ample dinner table back home.
Como este "vegan", senor?