
Thursday, August 14, 2008

Clown watch: It is not easy being Mahmoud Ahmadinejad 

The President of Iran appointed an obviously unqualified person to serve as Minister of the Interior. In order to get confirmed by the increasingly obstreperous legislature, the nominee submitted an Oxford University "diploma" that announces that the nominee's "research in the domain of comparative law... has opened a new chapter, not only in our university, but to our knowledge in this country." Hilarity ensues.


By Blogger Escort81, at Thu Aug 14, 12:45:00 PM:

Well, at least he correctly copied the Latin from the Oxford "seal," so he gets a few points for trying.

Otherwise, it's a pretty lame counterfeit, even for an "honorary" degree.

Anyway, how would a degree from Oxford -- one of the centers of Western liberal thought -- help the credentials of a senior Iranian government official?

Are they producing a sitcom over there, or are they trying to become a regional hegemon/nuclear power (or both)?  

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