
Wednesday, August 13, 2008

My whereabouts, and an important public service announcement 

I am in Milwaukee and Chicago today in more or less non-stop meetings, so no promises on blogging frequency. No doubt I will miss most of the breaking news for the day. I do not want to fail you entirely, though, and consider it my bounden duty to call your attention to the FoxSports Olympic beach volleyball slideshow. It will appeal to some more than others, but it does endeavor to answer the important question "why are the suits so micro?"

Meanwhile, the Russo-Georgia war seems to have spilled into the beach volleyball circuit. Not quite the same thing as the epic Soviet-Hungarian water polo match of the 1956 Olympics (which was reputedly so tough that the water in the pool was pink with blood from the players when it ended), but you get the idea.

CWCID: A loyal reader who modestly requests that his name be withheld.


By Anonymous Anonymous, at Wed Aug 13, 08:32:00 AM:

Were the ladies not interested in wearing such attire, it would not happen. I think that competitors at this level cannot, and would not, be cowed into much of anything, let alone skimpy attire, if they were not agreeable to it.  

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