
Sunday, October 16, 2005

Curl up and dye 

CENTCOM announced the capture of another couple of al Qaeda operatives, both apparently close to the leadership in Iraq.
Walid Muhammad Farhan Juwar al-Zubaydi, known as "The Barber", and another man were arrested on 24 September in Baghdad, said a US military statement....

"'The Barber's' duties included altering senior al-Qaeda in Iraq members' appearances by dying hair colour, altering hairstyles and changing facial hair in their efforts to evade capture," the US military said in the statement.

It's obviously time to start rounding up ill-kempt Iraqis with shitty dye jobs.

The best thing about this news is that we did not hear about the arrest until three weeks after the fact. I, for one, am hoping that we are busily harvesting the fruit from this poisonous tree.


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