
Sunday, October 16, 2005

An arresting correction 

Power Line points out a genuinely startling correction in the New York Times.
Because of an editing error, the introduction to an interview last Sunday with Marc Levin, director of the documentary "Protocols of Zion," misstated a word in describing the century-old anti-Semitic tract "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion," from which the title was taken. It should have said that the tract, a proven forgery, "purports" (not "sought") to expose a Jewish plot for world domination.

Sheesh. That's the sort of "editing error" that Reuters would make. If we ever needed evidence that the New York Times isn't in thrall to the International Jewish Conspiracy, this is certainly it.

But is it first and foremost a writing error? Whether it was missed by the editor or not, one is forced to wonder what algorithm the actual author used to choose his words.


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