Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Another item from the "delicate" Gates mission
At the end of the aforementioned story about Robert Gates' "delicate" mission to reassure our Arab allies that we are not going to sell them down the river, there is this chilling "September 10" paragraph:
Gates also welcomed any help Saudi officials could give to Pakistan's fragile government.
"The Saudis in particular have considerable influence in Pakistan," he said. "And so I think that whatever they can do to bring Pakistanis together in a broader sense to deal with the challenge to the government in Islamabad obviously would be welcome."
What could possibly go wrong? (Important background here.
, at
Great book you linked.
The problem with the Saudi influence is that it's primarily with the ISI, as I recall. Not exactly our strongest supporters in Islamabad.
Administration thinking seems to be that if we publicly humiliate Israel, in a confrontation presumably soon to be ginned up, then the Arab states will love us. Then, the hostility of Islamic jihadists will become moderated alchemically. After that, we can all live in peace except for the Israelis (who might have to die in the new world vision). Is that about right?
By davod, at Tue May 05, 07:25:00 PM:
"Gates also welcomed any help Saudi officials could give to Pakistan's fragile government."
Saudi money funded the Taliban.
"The problem with the Saudi influence is that it's primarily with the ISI, as I recall."
Don't forget the Saudi funded fundementalist Mosques and Madrassas.
By Dawnfire82, at Tue May 05, 08:45:00 PM:
In many ways, the Saudis have woken up to realize the dangers of the Frankenstein's monster they helped to create in South Asia. Hundreds of dead Saudis prodded them.