
Monday, August 13, 2007

Praising with faint damns: The "Public Editor" finds only the typos 

Clark Hoyt, who as the NYT's third public editor has distinguished himself as entirely non-threatening to the political culture at that paper, devoted his uniquely valuable space "on the nation's most important forum for airing opinions on the contentious issues of the day" to a detailed inspection of the Times' seeming inability to spell certain names properly or even consistently.

Hoyt is not even a quarter of the way through his appointed year in the job and he's already upbraiding the Grey Lady for typos? What next? That the ink makes our hands dirty?

Is this because people have stopped complaining about the substance of the Times' coverage of important stuff so Hoyt had to write about typos, or is it because Clark Hoyt is not interested in writing about weightier matters? What, the paper didn't drift to the right this week? Surely the NYT published some of Karl Rove's talking points somewhere without labeling them as such, or -- Allah forfend -- used the phrase "al Qaeda in Iraq" without noting that it has nothing to do with the al Qaeda which attacked us.

It is going to be a long year.


By Blogger Purple Avenger, at Mon Aug 13, 10:39:00 AM:

I live for the day we'll see Pinchy boy living in a cardboard box in a Bowery alley. All the pieces are in place now ;->  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Mon Aug 13, 06:06:00 PM:

It's hard at first, but you must learn not to read the Times. It gets easier to do without the pretentious BS, and quickly too. Just imagine, you won't even notice these stupidities shortly unless a blog you like to read decides to mention them...

When NewsCorp gets around to buying the helpless Times Company I'll think there's hope for the paper.


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