Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Gladiator, American style
If you have a spare couple of minutes on this Fourth of July, celebrate the day by watching Gladiator, American Style. It is a vision of our soldiers that you rarely see in the mainstream media coverage, and not to be missed if you really support the troops.
By Gordon Smith, at Tue Jul 04, 12:26:00 PM:
I watched it. Does that mean I really support the troops now? Or do I have to become a proponent of the war to do that?
Where were the pictures of Democratic Party leaders who've gone to Iraq? I saw Condi, Rummy, Bush, and Cheney but didn't see Clinton or Kerry. Funny that.
I hadn't seen a lot of these images. It was a well put-together string of moments in time. Of course for every smiling kid getting a soccer ball from a soldier there's another kid dead from suicide bombers or U.S. smart weapons.
If Clinton or Kerry were part of the administration, they would have likely been in the show. But they are not, fortunately. As to the rest of your comments, don't let your bitterness get in the way of clear thinking. Happy 4th.
By Gordon Smith, at Tue Jul 04, 07:43:00 PM:
Thanks agricola. But it's less bitterness than disgust. And my clear thinking doesn't have to equal support for this unnecessary war of choice.
, atOn this day of days, we both should revel in our ability, rarely found in other parts of the globe, to disagree with each other and our government. I applaud that fact, and I'll repeat my earlier words........don't let your disgust with the decision made by our elected president overwhelm the support our troops deserve from their countrymen (including you). Do, instead, what so many others can't....vote.
By Gordon Smith, at Wed Jul 05, 07:44:00 AM: