
Monday, February 14, 2005

The guargantuan stones of Matt Drudge and the manipulation of me 

So we got home after a lovely Valentine's Day dinner with the kids and au pair at a nearby Hibachi steakhouse, and my wife and I did the obvious thing: repair to the bedroom for some intense, er, folding of laundry. Not wanting to be without entertainment, we turned on the Republicans Fox News. Lo and behold, there was Sean Hannity interviewing Matt Drudge about Chris Rock and his hosting of the Oscars, a subject that has Drudge quite worked up. Rock has apparently said all sorts of snarky and edgy things about Hollywood, the Oscars, and the prodigious sexual appetites of women at pro-choice rallies in his standup routines and elsewhere, and Drudge is outraged that the Acadamy is cheapening "the classiest night in Hollywood" -- I kid you not -- by having Rock host the Oscars.

Now, I like reading Drudge. I can even tolerate his hardcore journalist schtick with the rumpled shirt and ugly tie hanging off an open collar. But for the guy who uploaded 30 or 40 or 50 million magnified screencap copies of Janet Jackson's bepastied breast last year to worry about the depredation of the farookin' Oscars is more than a little over the top. It is amazing to me that he can rant about Rock and even keep a straight face. True, he has the advantage of being interviewed by Sean "the dullest knife in the conservative drawer" Hannity, but you still have to admire his stones. In fact, Drudge's sanctimony over Rock's supposedly bad taste was so impressive that we can only conclude that his stones are absolutely gargantuan.

In fact, the Acadamy picked Chris Rock knowing full well that he has said no end of controversial things both on stage and otherwise on the record. Lots of people will watch the Oscars hoping only to witness Rock say something that will be tomorrow's watercooler buzz. Matt Drudge's fake outrage will increase the audience for the Oscars. Sean "I have my homepage set to the Drudge Report" Hannity lobs softballs at Drudge and washes his tongue all over Drudge's traffic statistics, and thereby increases the people who will be sure to watch the Oscars lest they miss Chris Rock say something so outrageous they'll have to complain to the FCC.

I know we're all being manipulated and all, but I wish they would be a little less transparent about it. If you're going to make fun of my intelligence, at least do it in a way I can't understand.


By Blogger TigerHawk, at Tue Feb 15, 06:36:00 AM:

Well, Cass, you certaintly don't strike me as somebody who easily shrinks from a challenge... :)  

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