
Thursday, February 05, 2004

The Norskis are very confused 

'Teacher told to drop Star of David' - headline, Aftenposten Nuttutgaven, February 5, 2004

'No plans to ban hijab in Norwegian schools' - different headline, same paper, same day.

The first story is truly appalling:

The principal of the school, Kjell Gislefoss, feels that the Star of David can also be interpreted as a political symbol for the state of Israel, and is afraid the star can provoke and offend students, for example immigrants from the Palestinian territories.

If we are concerned that Muslims will be offended because a Jewish religious symbol "can also be interpreted" as standing for Israel, are we not in effect saying that Muslims cannot be trusted to distinguish opposition to Israel and anti-Semitism? Or is it that we know in our heart of hearts that opposition to Israel and anti-Semitism are the same thing? Quite the lesson that Mr. Gislefoss is teaching, if you ask me.

If we are concerned that Palestinians might be provoked under some "transitive property of the Star of David" (i.e., they are offended and provoked by Israel, Israel's flag includes a Jewish religious symbol, so they are offended and provoked by Jews wearing that symbol), why are we not equally troubled by the wearing of the hajib? If Palestinians are entitled to associate the Star of David with Israel, are not Jews (or any of us) as entitled to associate the hajib with the mass murderers who wear them or the dictators who require that they be worn?


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