Thursday, December 29, 2011
Feel ignorant
In case you want to feel ignorant this morning, take the annual quiz from King William's College, Isle of Mann. If they "teach to the test" over there, the students will at least know a lot when they are done.
, atThis appears to be trivial pursuit for completely out of touch thechno-phobes. I didn't feel bad for not knowing ANY of the apparently vast useless fields of knowledge which they consider important.
, atWhich fucking "Harry" are they asking about? (or grammatically preferable: about which bloody 'Harry' are they asking?) If these students become masters of British History trivia, they will be even less employable than the average American liberal arts grad.
By TigerHawk, at Thu Dec 29, 11:37:00 PM:
By clint, at Fri Dec 30, 04:10:00 PM:
Wow, that made me feel ignorant.
There were one or two I could make (probably wrong) guesses at. Otherwise I rarely even had a clue what field the questions were from.
nice idea, thanks for sharing
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Anon said, "If these students become masters of British History trivia, they will be even less employable than the average American liberal arts grad."
I was thinking about this post as I was studying for my American's With Disabilities Act exam which I must pass in order to renew my Architect license here in California. (Thanks CA Trial Lawyers). None of the answers on the exam even existed when I was high school or college. Luckily, I "learned how to learn" while in school and have been able to keep up. Learning history while learning how to learn makes more sense than a lot of other subjects as the past doesn't change, much.