
Monday, December 28, 2009

TSA: Sanity makes a comeback 

Rumor, and Reuters, has it that the TSA is loosening the stupid new rules they slammed in to place after the "foiled" -- my word would have been "fumbled" -- Christmas day terror attack in Detroit. Good. They were stupid rules that would not have done a damned thing other than make us miserable so that the Obama administration could claim it was doing something.

Kill them over there, and, failing that, listen to their fathers.


By Blogger JPMcT, at Mon Dec 28, 10:35:00 PM:

Problem: Current policy and procedure was not followed and a major terrorist attack was avoided with the help of private citizens....who demonstrated more common sense than the aggregate of Amsterdam airport security AND the Homeland Security Department for the Avoidance of Man-Made Disasters (formerly known as Terrorism).

Solution: Add additional Policy and Prodecure...and then...make it optional.

As we say in Virginia...somebody needs to open a jar of Whoop-Ass!!!  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Tue Dec 29, 10:20:00 PM:

"Bogged down with health care reform, the Senate has yet to set a date to hold hearings for the Customs position. And Sen. Jim DeMint, R-S.C., has placed a hold on the president's choice to head the TSA over the senator's concern that the new leader would let TSA screeners join a labor union. This has some Democrats blaming politics for the vacancy."  

By Anonymous Steve, at Wed Dec 30, 01:47:00 AM:

The sad thing is that in this case when Obama blames Bush he is in part right.

Ultimately of course he is wrong because he has had over a year to fix the mistakes of the Bush administration, but they were indeed mistakes. And of course it was Obama's embassy staff that the terrorist's dad talked to about a month ago. It wasn't Bush there a month ago. It was Obama.

But 2007 was still under Bush's watch and 2007 was when the Bush Administration let two terrorists out of Gitmo who then went on to plan this most recent attack.

Conservatives should not get defensive when Obama attacks Bush like this. Instead we should BEAT OBAMA TO THE PUNCH. We should say that indeed Obama is repeating the mistakes of the Bush adminstration. The American people would appreciate our honesty.

George W. Bush was one of the worse presidents in US history. Sure Obama is even worse but that doesn't erase the fact that George W. Bush was bad in his own right. Until we admit this we will never be able to move forward.

Again, Obama is in control now so blaming Bush for stuff that he should have corrected doesn't fly. But it would totally take the sails out of Obama for us to first blame Bush and blame Obama for continuing down the same path at an accelerated rate.  

By Anonymous Mad as Hell ..., at Wed Dec 30, 07:27:00 PM:

"George W. Bush was one of the worse presidents in US history. Sure Obama is even worse but that doesn't erase the fact that George W. Bush was bad in his own right. Until we admit this we will never be able to move forward."

So I'm not alone here in thinking this,  

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