
Sunday, December 27, 2009

Barack is such a swinger! 

Here's a trivia question with which to stump your drinking buddies: Who played more golf as president, Barack Obama or George W. Bush?

Just one year into Barack Obama's crisis-ridden presidency, we know the answer already:

In his 11 months as president, Obama has played only seven known games of basketball. By contrast he has played 25 rounds of golf — more than George W Bush played in his entire two terms, according to Mark Knoller, White House correspondent for CBS.

You can take a lot of money from the liberals with that one. Without having seen headlines like this about Obama, they are unlikely to guess correctly.

CWCID: Glenn Reynolds.


By Anonymous tyree, at Sun Dec 27, 01:33:00 PM:

The MSM helped create President Obama and they have their futures invested in his success. Therefore it is necessary to create the proper theme of his Presidency. In order to do that, certain facts need to be emphasized and other facts need to be hidden.  

By Anonymous Sally, at Sun Dec 27, 02:26:00 PM:

I think Bush made a decision after the Iraq war started to not play golf anymore. He did very few public recreational events after that. Maybe to avoid criticism, maybe because he just felt it wasn't appropriate. Obama doesn't have to worry about criticism and clearly doesn't feel burdened by the fact that he's sent American men and women into harm's way and shouldn't be seen as enjoying himself too much while they bleed and die on the battlefield.

That said, as I remember it, Bush was criticized for supposedly equating his own sacrifice of not playing golf with the losses men and women in the military suffered. So maybe Obama's right to just do what he wants to do.  

By Blogger Steve M. Galbraith, at Sun Dec 27, 07:25:00 PM:

I recall reading that Kennedy greatly curtailed his golf game - which he loved to play - after getting elected and made sure he was never photographed playing it.

Seems that Eisenhower got a lot of grief for his hobby. JFK didn't want to have the same problem.

Interesting anecdote #2: When the US Senate first installed a TV studio, Kennedy was the first Senator to sign up for the "class" on how to look/present oneself in front of the camera.  

By Anonymous QuakerCat, at Mon Dec 28, 03:13:00 PM:

Three Thoughts:
1) 25 Rounds of Golf? Are you shitting me? The most powerful man in the world can take four+ hours (over 100 hours in a year just to play golf?) I am a huge golf lover, however with four children whom the two oldest are the same ages as Obama's, with all that they have going on unfortunately golf is not a priority; so from a family perspective that is a lot of time away on top of a never ending work day...
2) Golf can be one of the most addictive hobbies one can play and without a doubt a huge drain on productivity. As a person who has managed many a sales guy, there is a direct relationship between one's very low relative personal golf handicap and below plan sales results. Getting back to point number one, if family priorities do not supercede 25 rounds of golf, I am damn certain America's many, many issues should have been a higher priority. Would the 4 months of deliberation that it took to decide on Afghanistan maybe have only been 2 months had he played, say five less rounds or ten less rounds? I suppose if I were the parent of a soldier who just lost a son because we were undermanned and Mr. Obama was told by the Generals that they needed as many as 60,000 more troops back in July (and he decides in December what to do) I dont think I could live with his 25 rounds of friggin' golf.
3) To SMGalbraith above, JFK may have been cognizant of Ike's bad rap on his golf; however in reading Robert Dalleck's book "An Unfinished Life", I think that the reason JFK did not play more was because of his health. His back was basically falling apart. From his many years of Addison's disease he had been treated with abnormally high amounts of drugs that helped him function; however the downside to those drugs was that they created a calcium defiency that induced an osteoparotic effect on his spine.  

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