Saturday, August 01, 2009
Regarding the rumor that the Palins will divorce...

Stacy McCain and Dan Riehl pretty much dispense with the latest rumor about the Palins, that they are getting divorced. The refutation basically turns on the hotness of Todd Palin, for which I will have to take Sarah's word (the relative hotness of other men being a subject I avoid as a matter of policy). I would add as supplemental (if unnecessary) evidence only the picture at right, which surfaced a few months back after Todd competed in a long-distance snowmobile race. They do not look as though they are posing for the cameras.
By Anthony, at Sat Aug 01, 08:58:00 PM:
The irony is that this bit of disinformation comes just a week after Palin literally asked the press to "quit making stuff up." They couldn't have illustrated her point better with a picture book.
, atTo fulfill their dreams this is their wish(who ever started this). They would love to have her all to them self. The men lust after her to no end, and the women just despise her(jealous that their men are lusting?). Either way they just can't quit Sarah! She is under their skin, in their brain, who knows for some in their heart. We have not heard from her for a week and these people are jonesin bad for her. In drug lingo they are addicted.
By Purple Avenger, at Sat Aug 01, 09:08:00 PM:
Some Obama initiative(s) must be sinking fast...they're making stuff up about Palin as a distraction from the harsh reality of their own failures.
By Christopher Chambers, at Sat Aug 01, 09:16:00 PM:
Hey i agree. Makes about as much sense as Obama's birth certificate being a fraud, ACORN being some Marxist front, Obama being a "racist," single payer health systems not working--stuff like that, then? lol Difference being earlier in the day all I saw this on was tabloid websites. Not Fox 24-7, or out of Michelle Malkin's screeching mouth, etc. etc. etc.. So by no means are we even, right?
Jesu,s you all are f-d in the head...
By Christopher Chambers, at Sat Aug 01, 09:22:00 PM:
Yep, just checked the network you love to hate, MSNBC, and the most odious--from the douchebag point of view--story they are pushing is how an NRA threat on the Sotomayor vote is backfiring.
But riddle me this, wingnuts--why in that low IQ farewell speech (reminiscent of George Washington's lol) did she warble about "making things up" when no one said anything? Could she have been anticipating something?
Wake up.
Yeah, all those lawsuits against ACORN for fraud are just frivolous, but the clown who's filed virtually all of them against Sarah is doing a public service. Obama is a racist. And, single payer systems don't work, and the majority of Americans don't want one.
Just curious ... has your boy done anything so far that you find stupid, or do you give him a pass on all of it?
(Reluctantly) siding with Chambers on this one. Palin cannot thrive without playing a victim. It seems too tailor made and contrived when no one appears to be covering it in any detail.
(PS, I don't think Obama is a racist. When I think of a "black racist" or any other minority, I think of the Farrakhan paradigm or such other far extremist. I don't understand how anyone sane can make that claim.)
The National Enquirer broke the story on the Palin's divorce so you're probably right that there's no truth to the rumors. I mean after the Enquirer's bogus reporting on the John Edwards' affair who would believe that rag....
By JPMcT, at Sat Aug 01, 10:07:00 PM:
To CC:
1. Obama isn't a racist, he just plays on on TV.
2. Name me a country with single payer healthcare that a. works, b. has an income tax rate below 55%, c. is solvent.
3. Acorn may or may not be Marxists, but they do indeed seem to be frauds. Give me an honest Marxist anyday.
4. Obama's birth certificate is a moot point. He's dishonest in so many other more important ways that the birth certificate seems silly by comparison.
5. You are a troll. Say something interesting once in a while instead of your Pee Wee Herman "I know you are, but what am I?" posts.
I'm with Christopher Chambers here. All the lead links are to conservative bloggers: The Other McCain, Am. Spectator, Dan Riehl, COnservative for Palin. Heck, you have to scroll down three-quarters of the page to even find it on Huff Post.
I wouldn't be so fact to pin this on the Left. Most of us have moved on.
By Sara (Pal2Pal), at Sun Aug 02, 12:37:00 AM:
From the Palin release:
The release is in response to a ludicrous rumor being spread by Alaskan CNN stringer Dennis Zaki. Zaki, who previously bought into rumors of Trig Truth, picked up these allegations from the same source - the rabidly anti-Palin, Trig Truth-espousing anonymous blogger “Gryphen” of the blog “Immoral Minority”. Gryphen is a friend of Zaki’s, along with fellow Team Truth members Shannyn Moore, Phil Munger, and “AKMuckraker” of the Mudflats.
The rumor was already being picked up and spread around the echo chamber of the Alaskan Team Truther blogs...not only by Zaki, but by fellow Trig Truther “Doctor Phil” Munger of Progressive Alaska.
Not conservatives, just moonbats.
By Carolyn, at Sun Aug 02, 01:46:00 AM:
CC and RK:
" . . . why in that low IQ farewell speech (reminiscent of George Washington's lol) did she warble about 'making things up' when no one said anything?"
"Palin cannot thrive without playing a victim."
It seems from your comments above that you think Trig Trutherisms and bogus ethical complaints don't count as "making things up"?
And about low I.Q. - from last year: What is Wisdom?
"Not necessarily degrees, glibness, poise, or factual recall, but the ability to understand human nature. . . .
Palin in empirical fashion bucked the Republican establishment and the old-boy network when she thought it was unreasonable; Obama never figured out or at least never questioned Tony Rezko or the Chicago machine, Trinity Church or the Pelosi-Kennedy liberal mantra — unless it proved advantageous. . . . "
President Obama is a very smart man. But that doesn't make him a wise man. The gross miscalculation concerning Cash for Clunkers is just the latest evidence that Team Obama doesn't understand human nature very well.
Obama is brilliant at manipulating an audience during a "high I.Q" prepared speech. He reportedly studied and practiced the techniques used by Rev. Wright to move an audience. Running a government takes a different set of skills.
By Noocyte, at Sun Aug 02, 03:43:00 AM:
Palin says nothing and the most absurd rumors go viral and add to corrosive broth daily cooked up by a hostile media and hordes of unnervingly zealous detractors.
Palin speaks up to head off the above and she is a "whiner," who is simply lending undue legitimacy to criticisms which would otherwise sink without bubbles.
This latest would-be smear is simply so bizarre, it makes me wonder if this isn't some vast psychological experiment. Those two people are like a living commercial for what can be best in matrimony: five kids, untolled stressors...and pictures like the one TH linked, where the unmistakable caption is "[First] Dude, you are so gettin' some tonight!"
Gods, please let Citizen Sarah apply herself to bringing her wonk-fu up to parity with her affability and moose-sense. The dense, frothy lather pouring from the mouths of her critics as she skyrockets to well-earned prominence will be worth a toast with the very best of my single-malts!
By Gary Rosen, at Sun Aug 02, 05:29:00 AM:
"out of Michelle Malkin's screeching mouth"
Are you the one who sent her an e-mail calling her a "hoe", Chrissy? You've always had a sweaty neurotic obsession with conservative women.
"low IQ farewell speech"
Judging from the record of your semiliterate spew here Palin's got a higher IQ than you, Chrissy, though admittedly that's not saying much.
By Gary Rosen, at Sun Aug 02, 05:34:00 AM:
Carolyn, I agree with almost everything you say except for this:
"President Obama is a very smart man"
Frankly, I don't see any substantive evidence for it. While even those who don't like him would probably say, "well, at least he graduated from Harvard Law School" my response would be that he has accomplished nothing of substance with that degree so it is questionable to me how much credit he should be given for it.
Noocyte writes: ...and pictures like the one TH linked, where the unmistakable caption is "[First] Dude, you are so gettin' some tonight!"
Is it any wonder that Palin is the darling of the undersexed conservative men who aren't?
Heckuva way to choose a candidate boys.
Mara ... compare and contrast to the man crush surrounding the One.
, at
Oh, please anon. Do you think the topic of Sarah's sex life would even come up if she looked like Golda Meir? Pppffftt. I dare say Palin wouldn't even fly above the radar if that were the case.
Here's a test: Have you ever wondered if Kay Bailey Hutchinson's husband was getting any?
By JPMcT, at Sun Aug 02, 10:29:00 AM:
@ Mara
Regarding "the undersexed conservative men", are you suggesting that there is no sex drive...or that we are "undersexed" compared to liberal icons like:
Barney Frank (whorehouse for gays in the basement)
Ted Kennedy (screw 'em and kill 'em)
Bill Clinton (still cleaning the rugs in the Oval Office)
Gary Hart ("Monkeybusiness")
Mel Reynolds (D-Ill, Clinton pardonee after sexually assaulting 16 year olds)
Eliot Spitzer (a bit more than a twenty on the nightstand, ehh?)
John Edwards (nice....really nice...a class act...hey, but nice hair!!)
Jim McGreevey (see..Barney Frank)
Gary Condit (Kennedy-Lite)
and on...and on....and on.
Gee, Mara, I guess you're right. We conservatives have a lot of catching up to do. Perhaps we sould top the Democrats if we branched off into FARM ANIMALS!!!
By Elise, at Sun Aug 02, 10:52:00 AM:
Difference being earlier in the day all I saw this on was tabloid websites.
Well, CBS was carrying it earlier. The info seems to be gone now. To their credit, from what I can read CBS carried it primarily to debunk it.
If I understand the situation correctly it may prove to be extremely difficult for anyone (private citizen or public figure) to sue bloggers for libel. It is easier to sue old-line media for libel. To me this says that the Palins are quite correct to push back hard against any baseless stories in the blogs - it makes it impossible for old-line media to pick up the stories and claim innocence about whether their accuracy is in dispute. (I'm sure the National Enquirer would love a lawsuit by the Palins.)
The liberals in the group might check out Reclusive Leftist's take on the story. She saw the CBS story (and now links to someone else who saw it) and she has a link to the chronology of the story. Plus I'm sure you'll enjoy her flawless feminist analysis of this matter.
Finally, I've seen this "it's only blogs" defense from both the Left and the Right when it looks like their side has overstepped some boundary. Always in blog comments. Seems somehow not quite logical to me but maybe that's because I'm female and just can't understand such a big, important concept.
The National Enquirer has steered away from this "story." It's the Globe that has been carrying it since the election. Same as the Bush's divorce because of his renwed alcoholism.
, at
Gee, Mara, I guess you're right. We conservatives have a lot of catching up to do....
Um, do you really want to go down that road, JPMcT? Two words: C Street
Back on topic, I ask again, "Do you think the topic of Sarah's sex life would even come up if she looked like Golda Meir?
From Link,
Don't know where else to put these, so I'll put them here.
1) How soon does Obama break his pledge not to raise taxes on 95% of Americans? This is a lot more important than Sarah and Todd.
Tim Geithner just gave an exclusive to Stephanopolous. "When I gave him several opportunities to rule out a middle class tax hike, he wouldn’t do it." “We have to bring these deficits down very dramatically,” Geithner told me. “And that’s going to require some very hard choices.” How much is Geithner free-lancing here?
Obama's numbers don't add up and never have. He'll lose the middle when they realize it won't be just the top 5% carrying his burden. But will this happen in 2009 or 2013. Developing ...
2) WSJ interviews McCain
This serves as a great summary of where we are. It also shows two paths not taken by our not electing McCain as President in 2000 and 2008. McCain said "We lost the white college graduate voters, who became profoundly disillusioned with Republicans." "He feels he was misled by the Bush economic team. He wanted the focus of the rescue plan to be on housing and home owners under water—not the lenders or the big banks."
Worth reading it all. McCain still has high regard for Sarah.
By Noocyte, at Sun Aug 02, 12:23:00 PM:
Back on topic, I ask again, "Do you think the topic of Sarah's sex life would even come up if she looked like Golda Meir?
Actually, Mara, that would not be getting "back on topic," since I only brought up the bit about "gettin' some" to illustrate how the obvious playful glee these two clearly take in each other puts such a blindingly obvious lie to the latest rumor. That's all.
By JPMcT, at Sun Aug 02, 12:50:00 PM:
"Um, do you really want to go down that road, JPMcT? Two words: C Street"
If I understand your link correctly, you are placing Republican prayer meetings on the same level of disdain as gay prostitution rings and Chappaquiddick.
OK, I can't say that surprises me, but now that we know where you're coming from, let's move on.
As far as the topic of Palin's sex life and her good looks, I will really have to defer to the feminist movement. Why, just go anywhere on the internet and you can see the support Palin got from organized Feminism whenever the media inferred that she could not possibly be competent because she looked like a "bimbo".
Gee, I can't find any support either....funny.....
how the obvious playful glee these two clearly take in each other puts such a blindingly obvious lie to the latest rumor.
Careful there, kids. Sometimes a picture is...well, just a picture.
By Anthony, at Sun Aug 02, 01:14:00 PM:
The trouble with the comparison to Bill and Hillary is that, with the Clintons, there was plenty of evidence around (back to Bill's gubernatorial days) that they had a stormy relationship and that he was (is?) a philanderer of the first order. No such contradictory evidence has been revealed regarding the Palins, just the fever dreams of anti-Palin bloggers and the suckers in the major media who believe them. I haven't even seen tabloid covers in the supermarket hinting at heartache in Wasilla.
, at
If C Street were only about "prayer" meetings. There is a story there, read about "the family". Don't go there, JPMcT, don't go there. There is plenty of trash to go around on all sides. No one is immune. For every Barney Frank there is a Rush Limbaugh, cheating on his wives and getting his housekeeper to score drugs for him. For every John Edwards there is a Newt Gingrich, cheating on HIS wife while she was in the hospital for cancer surgery. Glass houses, glass houses.
Some of you think that Obama and Sotomayor got through college and law school based on the fact that they were minorities and were given a lighter load. That is jealousy rearing it's ugly head. Tiger can tell you that any Ivy worth it's salt is as rigorous for the "regular" folks as it is for the "minority" folks.
By narciso, at Sun Aug 02, 01:54:00 PM:
The odd thing is no one could seriously have taken Obama at face value, about not raising taxes. As for Geithner, he doesn't pay taxes anyways, so why should that concern
him. Most of the allegations put forward here, have been proven false, yet they persist. Obama's goal is to 'remake America' his words, not mine. He's having a little trouble at it, right now but he was able to cow the blue dogs into voting HR 3200 out of committee, he'll probably get that and cap n trade through, and America's best days will be behind it. Which is sad, really.
"I haven't even seen tabloid covers in the supermarket hinting at heartache in Wasilla."
The National Enquirer made a big splash before the election with its allegation of Sarah's infidility with a business partner of Todd's. The McCain campaign threatened to sue but never did. By the way, rumors that Sarah is indicating the size of Todd's member in the photo are unsupported:~>
By Elise, at Sun Aug 02, 03:02:00 PM:
Link, thanks for the WSJ article although it definitely made me regret the lost opportunity even more.
I saw the George S interview with Geithner. Geithner definitely left the possibility of raising taxes on those making less than $250,000 on the table. I don't think Geithner is free-lancing because there was some language earlier from Obama which referred to something like no undue, excessive burden on middle class with regard to taxes. This may be another case where the Administration is trying out an idea to see how loudly people scream while still giving themselves room to claim they didn't really mean that if the reaction is too negative.
Greenspan said we're probably looking at a VAT to clean up the deficit. Then we can all argue about whether that "really" means Obama is raising taxes on those making less than $250,000.
By narciso, at Sun Aug 02, 03:15:00 PM:
When is the last time a public figure won at a libel suit, Carol Burnett, how long ago was that.
By Michael Roberts Internet Libel Litigation Consultant, at Sun Aug 02, 03:21:00 PM:
The Palins should just shrug off these types of attacks rather than drawing attention to them. They have a very active fan club following which comes in the form's such as etc. By letting the fan clubs take care of the responses antisocial antagonists will grow bored due to the lack of resistance & reaction from the actual targets (Palins).
Regards, Michael Roberts. Rexxfield Internet Libel Victim's Advocate
Add Palin to the roster of narcissists. She loves to start the tussle and then stand back and reap the benefits of everyone talking about her. As long as they spell her name right, she is up for it. The fact that she feigns the attention given to her and her family is proof positive she is a narcissist.
By Gary Rosen, at Sun Aug 02, 04:50:00 PM:
mara, you ignorant slut, remember all the stories about women fainting at BO rallies? I guess not, most of you libs have short-term memory loss ...
By Gary Rosen, at Sun Aug 02, 04:53:00 PM:
"She loves to start the tussle"
Right, she gave birth to Trig just to "start the tussle" - except she DIDN'T REALLY GIVE BIRTH TO TRIG, RIGHT!?!?!?!?! God, vicki, I see a lot of left-wing trolls but rarely someone so consistently full of it as you are.
To Gary Rosen, you're over the line. Vicki ain't a left wing troll. Ad hominem attacks aren't constructive.
Calling Palin a narcissist is fair comment. I don't know if it's true, but it's fair. The left certainly played to it over the $150,000 wardrobe.
Link, over
Gary Rosen writes: Mara, you ignorant slut
Whoa. You must be a trigger happy kind of guy, huh Gary? I hope for your partner's sake that tendency is limited to the keyboard....
Link/ Anonymous :
To Gary Rosen, you're over the line. Vicki ain't a left wing troll. Ad hominem attacks aren't constructive.
I wonder if you are aware of this interchange between Pasadena Vicki and Gary Rosen and its background. And this ain't all the nonsense she has posted, not by a long shot.
By Noocyte, at Sun Aug 02, 06:49:00 PM:
'Struth, Gary. If you were just going for the SNL reference, then you should've made that a helluva lot more clear. If not, well "over the line" doesn't begin to cover it.
The hypocrisy of chiding Palin's supporters for evincing awareness of her sex appeal, while giving a pass to the fawning over Obama's Manly Pecs is there for all to see, without resorting to name-calling.
While you all hash that out ... I just wonder why the media decided that once Edwards was stepped out, he was no longer fair game. Similarly, families were off limits. None of those courtesies have been extended to the Palins.
You can argue that Sarah's not the brightest bulb, but she certainly injected some energy into the party, and a country ready for a new kind of everyman/woman. Regular people. Not morons like Biden, Kennedy, Pelosi, Reid, etc.
So Palin's hot. Now that's a bad thing? how about Obama's airbrushed pecs, or the link from TH about how Gates' daughter drools over Obama's skin tone, or people getting horny about how exciting and "fly" the first couple is.
The double standard is apparent, but partisan lefties don't see it.
By narciso, at Sun Aug 02, 07:16:00 PM:
Really now, did Edwards really challenge the party establishment, did he ever resign from a post on principle, to prove how totally corrupt it was, and how itdisserved
the people of the state, no he didn't.
In fact he talked about the two America's while flaunting the biggest house in the county, he cried about Katrina while working for a hedge fund that foreclosed on property in the 9th Ward
By JPMcT, at Sun Aug 02, 08:52:00 PM:
"If C Street were only about "prayer" meetings. There is a story there, read about "the family". Don't go there, JPMcT, don't go there"
Ok, vickie, I'll bite. If you have anything substantive about this other than the Washington Post article that says, basically: "Woo,Woo...there are congressmen meeting in a church...(church organ plays a minor chord)...what dastardly deeds are they up to??!!.....only vicki knows!!!
Please! If you guys on the dark side of the moon REALLY want honesty in government, call for an investigation of ACORN.
At least the "C Street" building isn't absorbing BILLIONS of tax dollars. know what, vickie? If something REALLY BAD comes out of the "C Street" business...guess who will be the first in line to condemn it?
Mainstream Conservatives.
Can you say the same thing about Liberals?
Sanford, Durenberger, Pickering and Ensign were all part of C Street, good "christians" all. I am ordering a copy of "The Family" and I will be better equipped to respond to your attacks. There is plenty of substantial stuff on C street and "the family" to dive bomb them. Any group that cloaks itself in Prayer meetings and secrecy is not to be trusted.
You wish that the mainstream conservatives will attack C street when the truth is revealed. They will do what they have always done, attack attack attack.
Gary and Boludu, you do the same thing you accuse liberals of when you are up against a wall, you come out with the trash talk and the personal attacks. Shame on you both. I hope neither of you have wives, after calling Mara a slut it is obvious you have no respect for women.
By Elise, at Sun Aug 02, 09:27:00 PM:
Calling Palin a narcissist is fair comment. I don't know if it's true, but it's fair.
Okay, I'll bite. How can something be fair if it's not true?
BTW, I'm not asking that to challenge your statement that Vicki is not a left-wing troll. That I agree with. Left-wing, yes; troll, no.
On the other hand, Vicki, while I have no idea what this sentence means:
The fact that she feigns the attention given to her and her family is proof positive she is a narcissist.
the overall tone of your comment indicates that you believe Palin instigates the garbage that's thrown at her and her family, then sits back and enjoys it. Since respect for women is important to you, you must not have realized that this assertion on your part walks perilously close to the old "she asked for it" line.
By JPMcT, at Sun Aug 02, 10:02:00 PM:
vicki....lets take a breather here for a little cultural literacy check: the "slut" comment was a reference to a classic Saturday Night Live newsroom skit wherein Dan Aykroyd answered the female newscaster with the lead-in "Jane, You Ignorant Slut...". It was broadcast for the whole season and has found its way into common parlance.
I really don't know (and will not ask) how old you are, but the intent was not to imply that anyone as REALLY a slut. It was an attempt at farcical humor. Here is an
example of one of the skits. Take a breather, vickie.
As far as "The Family"...well...if you want to read an entire book about country club evangelicals who seek to actually represent the 25% of Americans who actually are evangelical protestsnts...go ahead!
But, vickie, can you detect ANY EVIDENCE that this country has been successfully manipulated by a bunch of theocratic rich guys?
Can you tell it in the media?
Can you tell it in church attendance?
Do you think that there are more Americans who FEAR religious leaders than fear statists like Obama?
I'm far from the most religious guy in the world, but I sadly think this country could use a little dose of wealth (and what it really takes to get wealthy) and God (at least in the sense of people regaining a sense of religious community and social responsibility). go read your book from an author who seems to have issues with his father.
Pasadena Vicki:
Gary and Boludu (sic), you do the same thing you accuse liberals of when you are up against a wall, you come out with the trash talk and the personal attacks.
PLEASE DOCUMENT how this statement applies to me.
Interesting that what I essentially did was link to your comments. Does linking to your comments constitute "trash talk" or a "personal attack?"
Funny thing, this is not the first time I have requested documentation from you. The first time I requested documentation, you did not supply it.
If you so wish, I will document which of your postings I consider to be "nonsense." For starters, go to the links I provided in my previous posting. The links show there is a river in Egypt, and Gary caught you in midstream on that one.
JPMct says: I really don't know (and will not ask) how old you are, but the intent was not to imply that anyone as REALLY a slut. It was an attempt at farcical humor.
I'm curious JP. How do you know what Gary Rosen's intent was when HE called me an "ignorant slut" earlier today? Beyond that, did you find it humorous in the context of the discussion? Really? Which part? Calling me a slut? Ignorant? Both?
Or did you see it as a bully's attempt to bolster his fragile self-esteem by denigrating mine through personal name calling, which did nothing to promote his position and served only to cheapen the debate? Yeah, so did I.
By Gary Rosen, at Mon Aug 03, 04:24:00 AM:
A few people picked up my SNL reference. As for the others, too bad.
"served only to cheapen the debate"
Here's the first comment I have seen from this "Mara", whoever s/he/it is, on this blog:
"Is it any wonder that Palin is the darling of the undersexed conservative men who aren't?"
We were already below the bargain basement.
"Vicki ain't a left wing troll"
Link's opinion. Not mine.
By JPMcT, at Mon Aug 03, 09:50:00 AM:
"I'm curious JP. How do you know what Gary Rosen's intent was when HE called me an "ignorant slut" earlier today? Beyond that, did you find it humorous in the context of the discussion? Really? Which part? Calling me a slut? Ignorant? Both? "
Point taken, Mara. I don't know what his intent was. He may have been trying to hide a personal slur inside a comment that the overwhelming majority of people (of a certain generation) would find funny in the same "trendy" way that we ALL thought the classic SNL skits were funny.
So you can take it that way (as I did) can go on a high dudgeon rampage as a victim of a hate crime.
It's your call. I tired of trying to talk sense into people.
Maybe you could all get together and "have a beer" and make it all right with the public.
Actually, I am 57, so I get the SNL reference. Ha ha. It' ok, Gary. Call me whatever you want. Tough skin. Been called worse, by better people.(Sorry, couldn't resist.)
, at
Re: calling mara a ignorant slut JT says: the overwhelming majority of people (of a certain generation) would find funny in the same "trendy" way....(as I did)....
Did you also find it funny when Letterman joked that Sarah Palin dressed like a "slutty flight attendant?" HaHa. Damn straight. Calling someone you don't know a *slut* is a real knee slapper.
Anon ... JPMcT and JT are different people, although I also caught the SNL reference, and I figured it would add more than a few extra comments to this thread.
I also posted about the media laying off Edwards, and a responder misunderstood me. Here's what I meant ... Edwards lives exactly 1 mile from my front doorstep, and I think he's a complete scumbag and fraud. I also think Elizabeth has not been forthright about what she knew, or why she's stayed with him. They're about power and 'narcissism' ... that goes with being in these types of roles, as it does with leading corporations, etc. The media protected the story about Rielle Hunter, and then laid off him and his 'family' when he stepped out of the running. They have NOT done that for the Palin's. Sarah is a good looking lady, and it's ironic that people want to hold that against her while fawning over how they wanna dunk Obama in their coffee. I'd bet money that Obama had some wardrobe assistance while running for office, in consultants and cash. The media just wasn't as interested in it, or Ayers, or Farrakhan, or Rezco, or Wright, etc. They ran with the illegimate child story, and they ran with virtually every other effort to crush candidate Palin because they really were scared of her. Had we ran a stronger Presidential candidate (and he'd also picked Sarah), we might have won. Let's just cut thru the garbage, can we? Palin, for all people want to say to discredit her, is smarter than Biden, and had more relevant experience to manage than Obama on election day. If we went tit-for-tat on stupid things said, Joe would come up pretty poorly.
It's a double standard. That was my point.
Link again,
Palin was hit with a double standard, she may have a great future, etc etc. But right now she's yesterday's news and a distraction. MSM is in the tank for astro-turf planted stories, like this one. But there's a bigger story going on with media manipulation. Obama & Co get away with fragrant lies about what they're doing that are underreported. These are huge.
Ad hominem attacks here aren't constructive. I for one invite good leftist commentary here, else it becomes an echo chamber.
p.s., I've always thought John Edwards was an amazing scumbag, even by the standards of American politics. and Elizabeth an amazing enabler. There's a place for Robin Hoods in our politics, but when a purported Robin Hood lives in a mansion it's an easy tell that they're really about something else.
p.p.s re religion in politics. To me it becomes a problem when elements of the Republican party insist on a religious test for who will be the Presidential nominee. The party is too white, too male and too Protestant as it is. If you care about the fate of the Republic, you should care about this. At the federal level Blue Dog democrats matter more than the entire Republican party.
Kudo's to you anonymous. First time i have heard anyone talk sense about religion in Politics. Keep it out!!! There should be NO litmus test concerning our belief in "God" or Jesus" in American Politics. Personally, I would like the reference to God removed from the Pledge of Allegiance. It has only been there since the '50's. I have children and I had them educated in Catholic Schools, where religion belongs. Not in public schools or in government. Right on!!!
And if the Republican party wants to attract people, put someone else on TV besides old white men like Limbaugh and Beck, Hannity and Gingrich. There has to be other people who can represent your party. Get rid of the angry women, too. The Coulter's, Malkin's and Laura whats her names are nasty, vituperative women who do not portray conservatism in a good light. A little more positivity would help attract the rest of us.
Link clarifying,
I'm not against religious people being in politics. I realize in some places like say South Carolina it's hard to represent your state and not be Baptist. I'm against it as a national litmus test.
People actually feared that Jack Kennedy would have to kiss the pontiff's ring -- we have that today in fact with the uber-Protestant crowd.
By JPMcT, at Mon Aug 03, 02:25:00 PM:
"The Coulter's, Malkin's and Laura whats her names are nasty, vituperative women"
Vickie, you won't attract housepests if you keep a clean kitchen. There is a cottage industry around making fun of the Left. Attempts to reverse the playing field have universally failed. These people who annoy you so much are only there because of the very strange (and dangerous) ideas that come out of "left field".
While I'm at it, I'll answer the question by Anon misdirected at JT:
"Did you also find it funny when Letterman joked that Sarah Palin dressed like a "slutty flight attendant"
No. Because he "meant" it. Comparing Dan Aykroyd's SNL line to Letterman's desparate attempt at humor is apples to oranges. I laughed at Aykroyd because the statement was meant to be ridiculous and "over the top"...very much like the entire script of "Blazing Saddles".
Letterman really meant that she looked like a slut.
If you can't see the difference between humor and insult, you're going to have a very unhappy life, Anon.
Another piece of advice: it takes two to give birth to an insult. You can't deliver an insult to somebody who is unwilling to accept it.
By Gary Rosen, at Mon Aug 03, 02:36:00 PM:
Anon 12:23:
If Palin had first questioned Letterman's manhood it would have been quite a different situation. I actually *pointed that out*, that "Mara" sailed in here with trolling insults but like a true leftist you don't let the facts get in the way of a good story.
vicki pasadena ca
Get rid of the angry women, too. The Coulter's, Malkin's and Laura whats her names are nasty, vituperative women who do not portray conservatism in a good light.
Here is Michelle Malkin being interviewed on The View. Decide for yourselves who is being nasty and vituperative.
By Carolyn, at Mon Aug 03, 03:30:00 PM:
I think there are different kinds of "smart". From what I've read, even conservatives who have known Obama in school, etc., say that he has some extraordinary skills. For example, he could get people to reveal their ideological positions without revealing his own.
As far as accomplishments, I think that the Harvard Law degree counts. But still, book learnin' doesn't necessarily get you to positive results outside the Ivory Tower and other artificial systems. Although he did run a brilliant campaign which was, by insider accounts, managed by him in a rather autocratic manner.
One of the things which bothered Obama during his community organizing days in Chicago was that the emotion whipped up during church services did not get translated into progress. Shows some original thought.
He tried to translate that emotion into action. He had a theory that a "strong leader" was necessary for community organizing to work. But I'm not aware of many positive, lasting changes he made during his community organizing days. He has served as a positive role model for some young blacks.
He also got good student reviews when he was teaching at the University of Chicago. He remained aloof from the normal give-and-take sessions between professors, though. He's an interesting guy .
I think it's useful to try to understand both President Obama's strengths and his weaknesses. So far, the MSM has largely tried to hide his weaknesses.
Crabapple ... thanks for that link. I've never watched the View, but imagine the garbage people are fed daily ... the same people who want to demonize Fox viewers, Palin, right-of-center folks, etc.
"Sunlight the antiseptic" ... indeed ... the more we see of Obama, the more we see the real man. Go ahead and raise those taxes ... we all know you can't do healthcare and more defacto reparations without more revenue ... raise 'em up on those 'working families' ... see what that gets you.
Crabapple, I actually was posting during the interview. I stand by my statement. She is mean and nasty. Now I think the View women were the same. Who went first, that is a matter of opinion. Malkin is always cruising for a fight. Grrr, angry woman. Would hate to be the clerk at a cleaners if they pressed her suit wrong.
By JPMcT, at Mon Aug 03, 11:54:00 PM:
"Would hate to be the clerk at a cleaners if they pressed her suit wrong."
All I can say is...listen to 45 seconds of Janeane Gorofalo and compare it to the Michelle Malkin link noted above.
There's a difference between righteous, well spoken dissent and being a blathering idiot.
At least there's no danger of Janeane ever picking up a suit from the cleaners!!!
Didn't ask me to compare crazies. Janeane is as nutsy, if not more. Wasn't part of the conversation. We could probably go person for person, but it wasn't part of the conversation.
, at
Link again,
Most of the posts on this topic sucked ... Here's why:
Palin is old news, at least for now. We were played, once again. Go trace the source of the divorce rumor to the root and Axlerod or a fellow traveler are behind it, I bet ... once again. It's this week's red herring ... something so pungent it pulls hounds off the true trail. Most weeks there is a red herring .... it starts over the weekend ... into the Monday start-the-week cycle.
Further, who wants to read who's says who's a slut. Gary Rosen & Co have posted some good comments, but keep up the bullshit personal attacks and I for one will just stop reading what you write --- and everything below it. Right now, your borderline worth my time reading, let alone responding to. You pick too many "your mother" fights, with little substantive comment. p.s. your mother sucks cocks in hell. I can say that here I'm told because it's a pop culture allusion, not just because it's true.
Notwithstanding that most of the posts here sucked, I want to thank Carolyn for her link to the Epstein interview on Obama. It was really informative, truly. It confirms what a strange cat Obama is. Napoleon, Stalin, Hitler and Saddam actually share a lot with Obama. All had absent or abusive dads, indulgent moms or grandmas, were raised far from the center of power in obscurity as an ethnic minority, etc. I'm not saying Obama is ready to slay millions, but this interview -- with an esteemed professor colleague of the O -- goes to Obama's pathologic playa self-centeredness. We elected a monster, and not the fun kind.
Now to Vicki and our other token leftists: convince me I'm wrong. I gave Obama the benefit of the doubt until June 2008 when I put my own pieces of the Obama story together. I voted for Bush in 2000 because I thought he'd be harmless. I've ranted here that Bush has proven the worst President of my lifetime -- until now. I for one welcome your commentary here. I'm ready to rip you to shreds on principle. Up for it?
Link, over
By narciso, at Tue Aug 04, 12:41:00 AM:
A good of the reason we're in this mess is that the View, Stewart and Colbert, are not totally dismissed.
Rosie with her 9/11 denial,Whoopie with her delusional take on the moon landing, just to state a few examples. Now you throw a discussion about a cretinous lie
off course with discussions about
religion and the family, Is Sarah
part of the Family, no she's not, in fact most of the people named in that group including Durenberger
and Ensign, were very dismissive of her, in retrospect it seems very
clear why that was
By JPMcT, at Tue Aug 04, 01:31:00 AM:
By Gary Rosen, at Tue Aug 04, 03:06:00 AM:
"But I'm not aware of many positive, lasting changes he made during his community organizing days."
I'm not aware of any "positive, lasting changes" BO made at *any* time in his life. I've got a question for all the BO idolators/Palin trashers out there: what, exactly, has BO *accomplished* in his career that exceeds what Palin has accomplished?
By narciso, at Tue Aug 04, 10:04:00 AM:
No, you're right, Gary, there really isn't anything you can look at Altgeld Gardens, and other supposed beneficiaries of the CAC's largesse. His legislative district, his storied Senate career??? he never had achallenger in any race, except 2000, when he went against another former community organizer, Bobby Rush. hE didn't have any meaningful opponent, and that was not an accident. That was Axelrod's handiwork.
The former Governor loves life in all it's facets, that's why she wants to make it possible for more people to enjoy it. She is deeply religious, but she's notthe 'church
lady/stepford wife stereotype, in fact she fought against closing the bars at odd hours, it's a frontier town. She started on the PTA to the city council and
gradually started to unravel every little skein, of corruption, that has held the state down. The ones who have blocked the development of the state's resources, for thirty years.
Now Ensign, whose excellent management skills, were seen last fall, in the collapse of any hope
against a veto proof majority, well it's not surprising than his personal relations were so complex and sadly he seems to have dragged
his family into it. I suppose I've been dissapointed by many candidates in the last few years starting with Newt, extending to
Crist (in my neck of the woods) and McCain last fall.
MY last post on this entry. I will say this again and again. the Republican Party has to find a candidate that people actually believe in and like. Now, I know that is superficial, but that's the way it is. No demagogues, no old white men who are philanderers and racists and no overtly opportunistic candidates. I know that eliminates about 70% of the Republicans out there, but dig deep. Huckabee, Gingrich, DeMint, Sessions - old white racists with fringe religious beliefs. Palin, the most overtly opportunistic, narcissistic politician since Clinton. Remember, not everyone is a Jesus loving Christian.There are a whole lot of other religious beliefs out there and they must be respected. Except for the whole anti-choice and the gun control thing,I could be a republican. Those 2 things stop me in my tracks. Could never vote for a candidate who is anti-choice and anti gun control.
I don't know who said it, but I never said Palin was in "the Family." Corruption? Look there.
Let's move on to comment on other entries. Lets find something interesting. This is fun.
By JPMcT, at Tue Aug 04, 11:46:00 AM:
vicki is right...time to move on. It's too much trouble to scroll all the way down to the "Leave Your Comment" Box.
My last entry is just to state the vicki and other Democrats.
You guys didn't WIN. Republican's LOST.
Seems silly on the face of it until you look back to the most stunning victory in the history of American politics...Ron Reagan.
Yeah, I'm a Reaganophile. Unlike today's Republicans, Reagan STOOD FOR SOMETHING. He didn't try to be all things to all people and go with the polls. He had substance...a value that is certainly LACKING in most modern politicians.
That's the kind of crap that gave us the current miscreant in the White House. Even Clinton makes him look good.
vicki's advice to Republicans is to use the same polularity-driven superficial, groundless criteria for choosing a candidate as the Democrats did.
If we do, we will fail.
Signing off on this one....
Why am I surprised, Pasadena Vicki, that you have again refused to honor my request for doucmentation to support a statement of yours?
Here is your statement.
Gary and Boludu, you do the same thing you accuse liberals of when you are up against a wall, you come out with the trash talk and the personal attacks. Shame on you both. I hope neither of you have wives..
I asked for documentation for the first sentence, to show where I engaged in “trash talk” and “personal attacks.”
You did not supply any such documentation. Your following sentences imply that I made a misogynistic statement- else why would you state “I hope neither of you have wives.” I doubt very much you can come up with any such indication of misogyny on my part.
On more than one occasion you make unsupported statements which you cannot support with documentation. That is disappointing , to say the least. It also indicates someone who is not interested in serious discussion.
By Gary Rosen, at Tue Aug 04, 03:02:00 PM:
"Palin, the most overtly opportunistic, narcissistic politician since Clinton"
Questionable, at least, whether this is true - in fact questionable whether Palin is as narcissistic as BO. I don't think she has written *two* autobiographies yet. But earth to vicki - like him or not, Billy Jeff was elected POTUS *twice*.
After running for VP for two and a half months, she had a book In Her Own Words published, which contains interviews, and speeches (albeit not in her own words). After being mayor of Wasilla, and governor for two years she's "writing" her memoirs with the help of a colloborator (aka ghost writer), that will be published next year.
Query: Why does someone who graduated with a degree in journalism need someone to help pen a book?
By narciso, at Wed Aug 05, 05:04:00 PM:
That's why Hillary had a ghost writer, Barbara Feinman, for which she had to sue to be acknowledged Iacocca had one, William Novak,
William Bennett, had Pete Wehner,
well you get the idea. Now if you actually read some sources about her like Kaylene Johnson's Sarah you would have some understanding
of who she was.