Wednesday, August 05, 2009
Are running shoes a waste of money?
If you run and have ever suffered an injury, it might be the shoes. Not the brand of shoes or the type of shoes, but that you are wearing shoes.
By smitty1e, at Thu Aug 06, 07:51:00 AM:
Your linked article is a heinous threat to the Holy Narrative, sir. What a blasphemer.
By Simon Kenton, at Thu Aug 06, 09:09:00 AM:
I wear the vibram fivefingers (the apefeet), and they are an ever-refreshing joke for my wife. But when I wear the apefeet I have no lower back pain. See
By Andrew Hofer, at Thu Aug 06, 10:30:00 AM:
I completely re-worked my stride for this reason. I still wear running shoes (an inexpensive model), but I am now a forefoot striker and the padding only comes into play going downhill. For me it's a bit more work, but I definitely feel less skeleto-muscular stress. Tighter in the calves. Think about track spikes and how you run on those.
Since I run in the street and on rocky towpaths, I don't see pure barefoot as a great option. I have a colleague who does it in NYC, though, and says it isn't a big deal.
By Andrewdb, at Thu Aug 06, 12:31:00 PM:
When I first took up running a lot in college (the fire trails behind Cal, or down to The Bay from campus) I eventually was having to walk home, the pain was so bad.
The doc insisted I bring the shoes to the appointment. One look at them and she insisted I throw them away and get real running shoes. Problem solved.
By davod, at Fri Aug 07, 12:50:00 PM:
When I joined the air force in the 70s, the issue gym shoe was flat, rubber soled, with a cotton/canvas top. The Phy Ed instructor recommended we buy Addidas running shoes. I felt as if I was running on air.
By Fausta, at Fri Aug 07, 05:05:00 PM: