
Monday, May 04, 2009

Fear is everywhere 

Even the Hundred-Acre Wood.


By Blogger Christopher Chambers, at Mon May 04, 12:10:00 PM:

That's a good one. Have you seen the photo with the little kid kissing the swine, with the caption: "You little bastard. You've killed us all." LOL

Not so funny is more grist for my lot's mill--your wingnut radio hosts have been saying the Mexicans are the spreaders of contagion...the swine flu should be "Fajita Flu" etc. Being the dove on immigration you claim to be, this must be troubling for you, right?

PS did you see the recent shots of the Obamas on one of their date nights? Looking so fly and sophisticated...calm, crisp, smart, beautiful. Those scum...LOL  

By Blogger Christopher Chambers, at Mon May 04, 01:01:00 PM:

Still, "embittered" white males (over the economy, guns, Obama, whatever...) have killed more people (usually themselves, their stay at home wives, their kids and a couple of cops) than the virus, eh?  

By Anonymous MAS1916, at Mon May 04, 01:22:00 PM:

Nice 'toon!

Obama has created the pig flu to trot out his team to fight a non-crisis. What better way to make Him and His team look good in the eyes of the public than to take command of an epidemic and restore sanity and health to society. This is made doubly easier by the fact that the Swine Flu really wasn't all that bad.

Obama worship is at the root of this. The media fronts for Obama and takes his flak and protects him. However, individuals afflicted with Obama worship, may still find help.


By Anonymous Anonymous, at Mon May 04, 01:58:00 PM:

Chris ... doesn't it ever get old for you? I realize you think all non-blacks think the same, and every whack job who says something on radio to get a rise out of people speaks for us, but really.

I hear this guy's nickname was Casper the Friendly Ghost ...


By Blogger JPMcT, at Mon May 04, 06:04:00 PM:

Actually, MR CC, the big losers seem to be the pigs...killed by the hundreds of thousands by idiotic third world morons who think that killing "swine" will eliminate the "swine flu".


It's kind of the same "consensus" thinking that goes into most Democratic policy here in the US.

It's easy to see why the Mexicans were uptight about calling it the Mexican Flu.

Perhaps you would be happier if it were the "Redneck" flu, n'est ce pas?  

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