Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Stimulus Watch!
There is a new web site, Stimulus Watch, which is tracking all the various "shovel ready" proposals from state and local governments eager to feed at the trouble of the giant bill wending its way through Congress. You can search projects by city and state, keywords, or program type, read a description of the project against the number of jobs "created" compared to its cost, and "vote" for whether the project is a "critical" use of taxpayer funds or not. There are fields for comments and a wiki for adding facts. The main page features the "most active" projects, meaning those that have received the most votes and comments (today's leader is the "Forks of the Road Heritage Trail"). The whole site is chock full of awesomely bloggy stuff, and is seriously hope and changeworthy.
By Assistant Village Idiot, at Tue Feb 10, 10:01:00 PM:
I think the term "shovel ready" is unfortunately apt.
, atCool. Now that's change I can get behind.