
Sunday, February 08, 2009

Friedman vs. Donohue 

Somewhat in keeping with the spirit of my idea that it is time to re-read Atlas Shrugged, Glenn Reynolds links to this wonderful exchange between Milton Friedman and Phil Donohue on the subject of capitalism and freedom.

Apart from the substance, which is compelling stuff, did you notice the tone? It is almost impossible to imagine an equally polite conversation between people of such radically different world views as Friedman and Donohue on a television talk show today. We have lost something.


By Anonymous Anonymous, at Sun Feb 08, 08:45:00 PM:

Milton Friedman makes my leg tingle. OK, I've said it.  

By Blogger JPMcT, at Sun Feb 08, 08:46:00 PM:

This was a fascinating video...the audience was mesmerized. Donahue was promptly delegated to irrelevance.

I truly think that Obama was ambushed by Pelosi and Reid. He may have had reasonably good intentions to forge a bipartisan congressional response to the economic "crisis", but I think that the congress has been "expecting" an Obama victory and has planned this abominable legislation long before the current fiscal crisis.

The only reason it is called a "stimulus plan" is because the economy faltered in the fall. If the credit markets had not imploded, the same bill would have likely been introduced as some other silly "plan" based on the current news cycle.

Why in heaven's name do you think that the bill is being advertised as "bipartisan" even though only three of the House and Senate Republicans intend to vote for the abomination.

Why?...because the Democrats KNOW it is going to fail. They want ass coverage.

This bill was never intended to "stimulate' the economy. The pariculars of the bill make this clear.

Unfortunatley, most Americans are just too damned IGNORANT to realize what is being forced down their throats.

The particulars of this bill were likely ironed out MONTHS before the financial crisis.

I am about to give up. It is beyond frustrating to watch people blithely watching this criminality press forward.  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Mon Feb 09, 05:16:00 AM:

Donohue wasn't polite at all. How did you miss his morally superior, righteous hatred?  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Mon Feb 09, 09:12:00 AM:

Is there a man who handled the famed "wife-beater" (How often do you beat your wife?) type question than old Milton with Phil? I would love to see the entire video of that discussion between the two guys.

To think, Phil was the Oprah of his day; every morning he would somehow spew his lefty dung on the house wives of America. I can remember the day when Oprah passed Phil in ratings; and if you remember how Oprah did that and to a lesser degree today, but it was based on the empowerment of woman. Oprah was a living example of a woman who lifted herself up out of really tough circumstances and through her successes she was able to choose how she could best help people privately. Now that sounds more like the American way...  

By Blogger TigerHawk, at Mon Feb 09, 09:44:00 AM:

Donohue wasn't polite at all. How did you miss his morally superior, righteous hatred?

Well, he did not interrupt, yell, or sarcastically insult Friedman, which right there makes him different than most of today's talk show hosts of both left and right. I don't see hatred, either. There is the usual moral superiority of the media lefty variety, to be sure, but I see no hatred.  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Mon Feb 09, 11:43:00 AM:

Very good point. Just imagine how Joy Behar would have reacted--to say nothing of the abominable Keith Olberman (Sigh.) On the other hand, O'Reilly and Hannity, etc. routinely talk over guests they disagree with, as well.  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Mon Feb 09, 03:58:00 PM:

Did you see Keith Olbermann called for the "silencing" of Cheney two nights back? That sort of statement is incendiary, given how propagandized Cheney has become. Actual violence is a predictable result of Olbermann's comments, and I believe he knows that is true.

“It is time for you to desist or to be made to desist,” said Olbermann.

NBC is responsible for this man's statements, and should broadcast these sorts of calls expecting to be held responsible.  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Mon Feb 09, 03:59:00 PM:

Donahue was very often preachy, but (as was the case here) he let other people have their say. We have indeed lost that politeness in TV today.

And Milton Friedman was fantastic, by the way.  

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