Monday, February 23, 2009
Glass houses watch
Here's a little inside blogball for your afternoon reading. Andrew Sullivan jumped on Mickey Kaus this morning for not recanting his "obsessive, incessant campaign to imply that Gary Condit was a murderer." I had missed this back in the day, but apparently Kaus thought Condit murdered Chandra Levy, and now we know (or almost know) that he did not, and Sullivan thinks that Kaus ought to man up and say he was wrong: "C'mon guys. Behave like bloggers."
Well, good advice to be sure. But given Mr. Sullivan's obsessive, incessant campaign to question Trig Palin's maternity, it is not obvious that he is the perfect blogger to lecture Mickey Kaus. Or is it that the best defense is a good offense?
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some people's ability to infer outstrips everyone else's abiity to imply.
Sullivan is one such person.
Greenwald is two, perhaps three, certainly no more than five of them.
By Anthony, at Mon Feb 23, 03:33:00 PM:
Not even Sullivan is that clueless, is he?
Never mind.....
Sullivan is still on his Palin-Trig Jihad. He just can't stop himself. He semes really into that undiscovered country of Sarah Palin's vagina and uterus. He even suggested Obama give out his birth certificate today, because who does he think he is, Sarah Palin?
By Steve M. Galbraith, at Mon Feb 23, 08:56:00 PM:
How about middle ground, a Solomon-like solution?
Kaus and Sullivan agree to promote the story that Trig's father was Gary Condit.
Something tells me that Sullivan won't put up much of a fight.
As to Kaus, maybe we can add that Trig's nanny is an illegal Mexican.
By Assistant Village Idiot, at Mon Feb 23, 10:04:00 PM:
Condit was a Democrat, Palin a Republican.
Funny how that works.
Could Sallivan be secretly in love with Sarah, against himself?
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More glass houses watch, and we're looking at you Sean Penn!
today I watched Carolyn Maloney on CNBC. She was whining about the need to save people from foreclosures. I say forclosures are good for the borrower, since they get out from under a ton of stress (and their credit is already trashed, so what's the big firckin deal with ending the pain!), for the lender, since it starts the process of getting the loan to zero (through sales plus write-off), and for the market (since it gets the foreclosure off the market). Shut up Maloney! And CNBC, when are you going to start telling her the facts rather than letting her go on and on pushing a bad idea.
Let's start calling these idiots on their stupidities. We can't let these clowns slide politely, assuming they really understand how dumb they sound. They don't. Sullivan should be dropped from the Atlantic. Hollywood needs to be cleaned out, and Democratic public virtues need to be pushed rather than totalitarian politics. Congresspeople need to corrected, because they are pushing bad policy.
Call these guys out.