Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Driven to sobriety: The recession and the libations market
One would think that bad economic times would call for more self-medication rather than less, but apparently not. Sales of alcohol are down severely, at least in dollar terms. Of course, the linked table charts revenues, rather than units. Perhaps we are all just buying cheaper beer, wine, and booze and throwing fewer parties.
, atTimes are tough. All the drunks are switching to Sterno.
By Charlottesvillain, at Tue Feb 24, 11:47:00 AM:
This would indicate that few are following my strategy of stockpiling single malt scotch as a hedge against currency collapse.
You may call me mad, but when y'all are picking at overdone black swan I'll be enjoying me drams in the long tail.
(A little kurtotic humor there)
By Who Struck John, at Tue Feb 24, 08:10:00 PM:
I would think it's some of both - less drinking by casual drinkers and cheaper drinking by discerning drinkers.