
Sunday, December 14, 2008

Good propaganda 

Regular readers know that I'm not much for global warming propaganda, but you have to admire the creativity that came up with this idea. It compares favorably to this gum flapping, for instance. Like Anthony, I would be happy to take the other side of Gore's bet.


By Blogger JPMcT, at Mon Dec 15, 01:20:00 AM:

Have you seen the AP link on Drudge that had the cleverness to imply that the global temperature drop is clear evedence of the rapid worsening of Global Warming.

The statement arose after an Obama-Gore meeting. Fabulous....the inexperienced meets the insane...and from this we will get an energy policy.

As soon as Obama seems to lurch to the center, he gets harpooned and dragged back into kooksville.


By Blogger Escort81, at Mon Dec 15, 12:34:00 PM:

I can't understand why Gore would make such a statement -- that "the entire north polar ice cap would be gone in 5 years" -- when: a) there is no agreement among even the most ardent AGW scientists regarding the probability of such an event; b) it beclowns him further when it does not happen; c) on the off chance it does happen, none of us will be around to tell him how smart he was/is. From Gore's standpoint, it's "heads I lose, tails I lose." I don't get it. Does he simply feel he needs to say more and more outrageous things to stay relevant?

No doubt, TH, you would be "happy to take the other side of Gore's bet," and would fare better than your oil price bet (which you lost, but made the correct macro call anyway -- showing why timing and price limits count and why it's hard to play the option market). I wonder if Vegas or any of the British or offshore online sites are making book on Gore's prediction. Maybe it is right under the section where people can bet whether the sun will rise in the East tomorrow.  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Mon Dec 15, 07:09:00 PM:

Gore at the DNC: "Many scientists predict -- shockingly -- that the entire North Polar ice cap may be completely gone during summer months during the first term of the next president."


He's careful not to say it's his prediction, but I don't think it's useful to highlight a position only a very few scientists believe. It's not as ridiculous as the denialist nonsense I've seen from comments here, but it isn't helpful.

FWIW, I've personally bet over $300 that the Arctic ice cap will still be around in 2019. That doesn't change the fact that disappearing ice is a very big and very bad deal.  

By Blogger JPMcT, at Mon Dec 15, 10:38:00 PM:

"disappearing ice"..."denialist"

Could we have a reality check here...please!!??

Comparing the average Arctic ice coverage from August 2008 to that of August 2007, there has been a 13% INCREASE as the melting season draws to a close. Historically, the yearly varialbility of ice coverage can normally vary by as much as 37%.

Placing the camera over the Greenland coast to record thin ice disappearance ignores the massive increase in the size of the ice sheet as it extended toward Siberia, covering an area twice the size of Germany.

Let's not even get into the Antatctic ice sheets...and the dramatic cooling trends.

You know, in the scientific community "denialism" can't exist...because we are in a world of facts.

The term only has relevance when one enters the realm of faith and religion...which is EXACTLY where Mr. Gore and his ilk are leading our president-elect.

"Denialist"...hell,yeah!...and proud of it. It beats being a Socialist.  

By Blogger Brian, at Mon Dec 15, 11:48:00 PM:

JP, my standard response if you don't think the ice is diminishing is a bet, for money - that a new record minimum will happen in the next five years, or that no record high will occur within the next five years.  

By Blogger JPMcT, at Tue Dec 16, 06:58:00 AM:

Given the NORMAL variability of the sheet size and thickness, I would rather bet on the weather in Seattle in the next hour.  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Tue Dec 16, 03:04:00 PM:

My name is Andrew Ryan, and I'm here to ask you a question: Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow?

No, says the man in Washington, it belongs to the poor.
No, says the man in the Vatican, it belongs to God.
No, says the man in Moscow, it belongs to everyone.

I rejected those answers. I chose something different. I chose the impossible. I chose...

A city where the artist need not fear the censor, where the scientist would not be constrained by petty morality. And with the sweat of your brow, Rapture can become your city as well.  

By Blogger JPMcT, at Tue Dec 16, 08:54:00 PM:


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