
Thursday, November 06, 2008

Scraping off the bumper sticker 

There is a lot that goes into deciding when to scrape off a bumper sticker. Not only do you need time and the right tools, but there is a psychological aspect. You are finally admitting defeat, or deciding that you do not want "credit" for the last victory.

I decided to remove my McCain/Palin sticker on Wednesday morning. Mrs. TH, who saw the car later in the day, remarked on it, and I said that "I was not one of these lefty losers with Kerry/Edwards stickers all over my Volvo years after they lost, just to prove that the current president is not my president. Barack Obama is my president." I do not live in the past. (None of that will preclude me from getting a "Don't blame me..." sticker if, well, there is blame to be apportioned.)

In related news, James Lileks, the libertarian Minnesota humorist (he may be the only one), spotted a different sort of bumper sticker issue:

I’m off to the Mall to sell razor blades so people can scrape off their “Question Authority” bumper stickers. Just remember: Dissent is still the highest form of patriotism. Except now it will be practiced by the lowest form of people.

Hey, I may have to get one of those! Or even better, one of these!


By Blogger smitty1e, at Thu Nov 06, 09:08:00 PM:

Voting is such a win-win: you're correct, or absolved.
What's more important is to recall the Constitution, support the POTUS, and offer principled criticism when he strays.  

By Blogger The Warpiper, at Thu Nov 06, 09:49:00 PM:

I linked back to you at http://thewarpiper.blogspot.com/2008/11/more-good-sportsmanship-from-right-or.html  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Fri Nov 07, 01:23:00 AM:

After 36 years of car owning and driving, with never a bumper sticker, I have order 4 "Who Is John Galt?" stickers for my fleet. It's time.  

By Blogger Fausta, at Fri Nov 07, 11:52:00 AM:

Even when yours was the only McCain bumper sticker in the county, I'm glad it's gone.

No need to look like the pathetic "Kerry/Edwards" fans still parking by McCaffreys.  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Sat Nov 08, 02:30:00 AM:

Some new facts about global warming:

Current warming sharpest climate change in 5,000 years: study
Published: Friday November 7, 2008

Research on Arctic and North Atlantic ecosystems shows the recent warming trend counts as the most dramatic climate change since the onset of human civilization 5,000 years ago, according to studies published Thursday.

Researchers from Cornell University studied the increased introduction of fresh water from glacial melt, oceanic circulation, and the change in geographic range migration of oceanic plant and animal species.

The team, led by oceanographer Charles Greene, described "major ecosystem reorganization" -- or "regime shift" -- in the North Atlantic, a consequence of global warming on the largest scale in five millennia.

"The rate of warming we are seeing (now) is unprecedented in human history," said Greene, whose research appears in the November 2008 issue of the journal Ecology.

In order to forecast the path of climate change, Greene and colleagues have been reconstructing major episodes of warming and cooling in the Arctic over the past 65 million years.

They have found in the paleoclimate record periods of rapid cooling, with average temperatures plunging by 10 degrees Celsius (18 degrees F) within just decades or even years.

But the rise in temperatures over the past five decades is unmatched since the onset of human civilization, Greene said.

The paleoclimate data gives the scientists more insight into the impact of melting Arctic ice sheets and glaciers on the North Atlantic oceanic system.

They have found "extensive" shifts in the geographic range of numerous plant and animal species.

For instance, the massive Arctic fresh-water melt in the past 10 years has helped one species of microscopic algae move from the Pacific ocean to the North Atlantic.

The last time that algae appeared in the North Atlantic was 800,000 years ago, the Cornell research found.

The increase of fresh water can have a huge impact on the ecosystems of the Atlantic continental shelf, for instance extending the growing seasons of phytoplankton and microscopic drifting animals fundamental to the food chain.

"Such climate-driven changes can alter the structure of shelf ecosystems from the bottom of the food chain upwards," according to Greene.

In another example, the collapse in the last century of cod populations in the north Atlantic is partially due to overfishing, but also partly due to Arctic glacial melt adding more fresh and colder water to the ocean, which stifles cod reproduction.

At the same time, the research noted, less cod and colder water benefited shrimp and snow crab populations.

"As climate changes, there are going to be winners and losers, both in terms of biological species and different groups of people," said Greene.

The Cornell studies also focused on the way the introduction of more freshwater in the north Atlantic can disrupt circulation patterns further south.

"When Arctic climate changes, waters in the Arctic can go from storing large quantities of fresh water to exporting that fresh water to the North Atlantic in large pulses, referred to as great salinity anomalies," Greene explains.

By modelling the current changes, the Cornell researchers posited that the highly saline water of the deep North Atlantic will likely not be heavily affected by the "pulses" of fresh water during the 21st century.

"Continued exposure to such freshwater forcing, however, could disrupt global ocean circulation during the next century and lead to very abrupt changes in climate, similar to those that occurred at the onset of the last ice age," the studies said.

"If the Earth's deep ocean circulation were to be shut down, many of the atmospheric, glacial and oceanic processes that have been stable in recent times would change, and the change would likely be abrupt," said Greene.


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