
Wednesday, November 05, 2008


Regular TigerHawk commenter George Felis has written up some predictions for policy developments in the coming year. It is a little hard to figure out which ones are supposed to be funny.


By Anonymous Anonymous, at Wed Nov 05, 04:38:00 PM:

Don't understand you. Which ones did you think even came close to being funny? They ALL seemed stone cold unfunny to me. What's more, he could have added many more predictions, some of which are very grim, the muslim terrorists attacks that will surely come, the show trials for Republicans, the inflation caused by the flight of US capital to foreign markets and the spread of government funded low income housing to middle class neighborhoods, for example.  

By Blogger Escort81, at Wed Nov 05, 04:58:00 PM:


"Billions of dollars in military budget will be transferred into social programs, which will not have a significant impact on reducing poverty. Dems will still claim more money is needed. Billions of these dollars will go to foreign aid. These countries will still hate us."

I woke up this morning and read that all of a sudden, everyone loves us again, so maybe we don't need as large a military budget:

Suddenly, it may be cool to be an American again

The article is written in the first person by an AP writer overseas who admits to previously prevaricating about his nationality.

I actually do think that there are going to be warmer feelings toward the U.S. overseas in certain countries, since people in those countries will realize that Obama's election indicates that the U.S. is not as racist a country as they had previously thought. If that helps to build coalitions for meaningful sanctions against truly objectionable regimes such as Tehran, then all the better, but I remain somewhat skeptical that the Mullahs' drive to a nuke can be slowed. Popularity is only helpful if it can act as a kind of international political capital that helps to accomplish foreign policy goals and deal with specific threats. Are the Russians going to cease selling nuclear technology and technical manpower to the Iranians so that they can bask in the warm glow of President Obama at a summit in Geneva?

I agree with TH that it is a bit hard to figure out which of Georgfelis's predictions are supposed to be funny.  

By Blogger Georg Felis, at Wed Nov 05, 06:37:00 PM:

The line between Comedy and Tragedy is getting awfully thin this time of year. I tried to be honest in my assessments, which is why I don't believe War Crimes Trials and the like will happen (What comes around, goes around), but apply a little Irony.

If my accuracy making political predictions matches my accuracy picking stocks, Obama will join the Republican party and become a Conservative :)  

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