
Friday, October 17, 2008

Princeton faculty for John McCain 

McCain voters are scarcer than hen's teeth in this town, but at least two of them are professors in Princeton University's economics department. Admittedly, that is a safer place for Republicans than most departments, but given the climate I am still a bit surprised that they outed themselves.


By Anonymous Anonymous, at Fri Oct 17, 01:00:00 PM:

I don't normally get all gussied up when a professor or economist makes a far reaching statement, however there were a few guys who seem to look around corners. Guys like Peter Drucker and Milton Friedman come to mind. These two guys used to see the world 10 and 20 years and further out. Even though both of these great men are now dead, many of their beliefs and the predictions they have had still hold true.

As for the short list that I saw of these former Tigers, do you get any better than Michael Porter and Burton Malkiel? These are two gentleman that if they said McCain's policies were dangerous I would listen to and take note.

The broader implications to this are that any economist or professor who would refute this letter and claim that Obama's prospective policies would be good for America, would have a fairly difficult academic argument to make  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Fri Oct 17, 03:32:00 PM:


If Malkiel says Obama's risky, then Obama's risky.

I will promptly forward this to several family members who, out of an understandable desire to punish the wayward GOP, are supporting Obama. Maybe the prospect of losing their cushy lifestyle will wake them up. Thanks!


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