
Monday, June 16, 2008

The chicken or the egg? 

I understand why statists are environmentalists -- at least until they control the resources -- but I really do not understand why so many environmentalists are statists.


By Anonymous Anonymous, at Mon Jun 16, 12:51:00 PM:

Because both statism and environmentalism are fundamentally about seeking to control the behavior of other people.

Emphasis on "OTHER people." The little people. You know. Not us. Them.

Thus it's perfectly consistent to fly hundreds of private jets to Bali to discuss reducing carbon emissions--YOUR carbon emissions, specifically. It has much more to do with having power than it does with "saving the planet" whatever the heck that means.

A non-statist environmentalist would probably be better termed a "conservationist."  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Mon Jun 16, 02:15:00 PM:

Another interesting thing about statist environmentalists is that they ignore negative environmental impacts caused by the "poor" or "immigrants" or certain other special groups. California's current water crisis was caused by a wide variety of actions, but adding millions of people to the population through illegal immigration is never mentioned. It's like they believe that Mexicans never bathe.  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Mon Jun 16, 02:34:00 PM:

Well said, filbert.  

By Blogger clint, at Mon Jun 16, 04:14:00 PM:

It's probably something to do with the extraordinary environmental records of the communist countries of the last century.

Oh, wait...  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Mon Jun 16, 06:54:00 PM:


Well, they were very efficient at removing what environmentalists believe is the scourge of the planet - people.  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Tue Jun 17, 12:47:00 AM:

So many environmentalists equate what they feel with what must be. Since they are obviously right, no opposition can be permitted. Note this is the classic attitude of the narcissist.  

By Blogger kreiz1, at Tue Jun 17, 12:40:00 PM:

You were first to the punch, filbert. Ya got it.  

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