
Monday, May 05, 2008

"I'm with the West" 

Here is some plain-speaking truth, in case you wonder if there are people who agree with you.


By Blogger Escort81, at Mon May 05, 08:42:00 PM:

Nicely put. Plain spoken truth, indeed.

Very minor nits: 1) are the people who are the targets of the Khartoum-sponsored Janjaweed attacks in Darfur actually "co-religionists" of the Muslims, or are they a mix of native African faiths? 2) Did Muslims hate Saddam, and vice versa, in early 2003?  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Mon May 05, 08:50:00 PM:

In regards to what Spencer is spouting off about, I think the gist of the argument is incorrect: instead of focusing on what Islam said/didn’t say, he should focus on his own obvious condition, something akin to Asperger’s Syndrome.

With Spencer's well documented quandary with truth and reality, over time, his obvious disgust towards existence (check his facial expression!) forces him into near-insanity and self-hatred. He embodies Sartre's theories of existential angst, and he searches anxiously for significance in all the things that had filled and fulfilled his sorry life up to that point, excluding his convalescence and subsequent prison rape. But finally he comes to a revelation into the temperament of his being - the troublesomely provisional and limited nature of existence itself, and on top of that his notorious attention deficit and temper!

In his sacred and solemn oath to kiss the ass of Boosh and any of his criminally morality-deficient lackeys, he accepts, yea revels, in the indifference of the physical world to man's aspirations. He is barely able to see that realization not only as a regret but also as an opportunity, just like Boosh and pin-dick Cheney. People are free to make their own meaning: a freedom that is also a responsibility, because without that commitment there will be no meaning, not that that ever bothered anybody in the current admin in the least.

Spencer is just one of many examples of people whose behavior shows bad faith, who are inauthentic: members of the bourgeoisie who believe their social standing or social skills give them a "right" to exist, or others who embrace the banality of life and attempt to flee from freedom by repeating empty gestures, others who live by perpetuating past versions of themselves as they were or who live for the expectations of others, or those who claim to have found meaning in politics, morality, or ideology.  

By Blogger Dawnfire82, at Mon May 05, 09:27:00 PM:


Four paragraphs of distilled bullshit, that in no way, shape, or form addresses the subject of the video.

Is this a gag, from one of those websites that automatically generates a "bullshit paper?"

Now, I do have one nit with the guy's facts. Describing Saddam as a non-Muslim who hated Muslims is... wrong. I know why he said that, but it's a simplistic and ultimately incorrect view that betrays an incorrect understanding of Arab society.  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Mon May 05, 09:29:00 PM:

The truth cannot be buried forever. One day, even the liberals are going to understand that if only 1% of the muslims hate us, that is 13 million suicide jihadis. The father of the radical muslim movement turned to hatred against the West because of the wild, wanton ways of Greeley, Colorado.... in the 1950's.  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Mon May 05, 10:27:00 PM:

Tyree, you had to be there to realize the decadence, wanton lust, and corruption at the church dances in Greeley.  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Tue May 06, 12:33:00 AM:

Thankfully we can just kill all those damn Muslims, because they

1) are all the same
2) carry badges
3) only understand violence.

And we will of course do this without a draft to avoid inconveniencing our happy consumers.  

By Blogger Andrew Hofer, at Tue May 06, 06:10:00 AM:

Clearly Carl's comment is satire. It is entirely ad hominem and plays the old "doesn't matter what he said, he's not one of the cool people" game. Sort of ninth grade cafeteria talk bending into psychobabble.

It's funny how diagnosing people with things like Asperger's or ADD has become a chic sort of pseudo-empathetic insult.  

By Blogger TigerHawk, at Tue May 06, 07:10:00 AM:

Agreed. Carl's comment is satire in the tradition discussed in Mindles post below on, er, Dartmouth.  

By Blogger Dawnfire82, at Tue May 06, 02:08:00 PM:

So it was a gag. What a relief. heh  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Tue May 06, 02:34:00 PM:

Agreed. Carl's comment is satire in the tradition discussed in Mindles post below on, er, Dartmouth.

I'd like to think this is satire, but its hard to say -- even though it is nonsensical, it struck me as genuine.

Of course, I made fun of him in the comments section on the site you linked to, where he posted an identical comment, so if it's satire then I have egg on my face.

Maybe it's just hard to parody these people.  

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