Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Jonah earns some extra coin
Jonah Goldberg's book, Liberal Fascism, is on a roll:
I thought folks would like to know that I've been informed that as of today the book is now in its 11th printing, with 188,000 copies in print. The initial print run for commercial retail sales was 18 thousand.
Deservedly so.
At some point I will write up my thoughts on the book. Suffice it to say that whether or not one agrees with every aspect of Jonah's argument, there is much "forgotten history" that will be new to most readers, including the erstwhile love of early American "progressives" for stern authoritarianism. Buy the book by clicking here
, atYes. It is a substantially more scholarly book than I anticipated. I am in the early sections of the book, slogging through the sections on Woodrow Wilson. I find it fascinating - amazing happenings of which I was unaware. The left, when slinging accusations of "nazi" or "fascist" have absolutely no idea how inappropriate that epitaph is or how clueless and hypocritical they are.