
Monday, January 07, 2008

Feeling bad for Hillary? Moi? 

We do not know what will happen in Tuesday in New Hampshire, but it certainly seems as though Hillary Clinton's campaign has unraveled in the days since Iowa, and it is reflected in her emotions. Since I have never much liked Hillary Clinton, I was very surprised at my own emotional response to the many stories today that predict that she will not win the Democratic nomination: I felt sorry for her. Bizarre. I never would have expected that.

I have to get a grip.

So, apparently, does Professor Bainbridge.

CWCID: Glenn Reynolds.


By Anonymous Anonymous, at Tue Jan 08, 12:34:00 AM:

It's five minutes after midnight on primary day In Dixville Notch, NH, and the polls have just closed. Casting their votes were 2 Democrats, 3 Republicans, and 12 unaffiliated voters.

Stay tuned for the totally inconsequential results...


John McCain: 4 (57%)
Mitt Romney: 2 (29%)
Rudy Giuliani: 1 (14%)
Fred Thompson: 0

Barack Obama: 7 (70%)
John Edwards: 2 (20%)
Richardson: 1 (10%)
Hillary Clinton: 0

H/T SuitablyFlip  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Tue Jan 08, 01:05:00 AM:

Hart's Location, New Hampshire


Obama: 9
Clinton: 3
Edwards: 1


Huckabee: 5
Paul: 4
Romney: 1  

By Blogger D.E. Cloutier, at Tue Jan 08, 01:25:00 AM:

No tears here. Hillary irritated me every time she said "when I am President" instead of "if I am elected President" -- like it was a coronation rather than an election.

I am tired of the Bushes and the Clintons. It's time to move on.  

By Blogger D.E. Cloutier, at Tue Jan 08, 01:50:00 AM:


Memo to Republicans:

If you nominate Huckabee, Obama will win the general election by a margin equal to or greater than LBJ's margin over Goldwater.  

By Blogger Noocyte, at Tue Jan 08, 02:11:00 AM:

Way back in the dim days of high school, my English teacher impressed me greatly with his response to his three year-old daughter who had barged, wailing, into the room at his home where he, some other students and I were doing some extracurricular stuff. "Young lady," he intoned, "there is not a tear in your eye."

Knowing it was true, and knowing that he (and we) knew it, she quite reasonably aborted her attempted manipulation and ambled off (she knew better than to even try it on her mother!).

Would that Little Hill had had such parenting.  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Tue Jan 08, 08:38:00 AM:

It's a sad comment on the years of Clinton hypocrisy and manipulation that, even though Hillary's emotional moment appeared genuine to me, much of the reportage surrounding it focuses on the question of whether it was. If genuine, the real issues presented by this are twofold:

A)Given the demands of the office, how much emotionalism of this type are Americans willing to abide - will there be teary press conferences and complaints about other world leaders not playing fair?

B)Does Hillary have the personal strength necessary to perform the duties of the office and can she focus enough energy outside her narcissistic self to be effective?  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Tue Jan 08, 09:35:00 AM:

The voters seem to be willing to overlook Obama's inexperience and politics, so far anyway, and so we all may regret crowing so loudly at Hillary's political demise.

Sure, we may all think the voters will catch on to Obama some day soon, and that when they do the GOP will at least win the WH even if the Dems control congress (resulting in the stalemate that seems to be everyone's idea of good government, I realize), but what if Obama turns out to be able to keep up the momentum all through the general election? He is a magnetic personality, exudes optimism and seems hugely appealing to the voters. He might just turn out to be much tougher than Hillary to beat.

Debbie Downer  

By Blogger D.E. Cloutier, at Tue Jan 08, 11:33:00 AM:

An Obama victory in November wouldn't surprise me. But the idea that Hillary and her bosom buddies would govern as moderates is wishful thinking, in my opinion.  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Tue Jan 08, 01:55:00 PM:

Hillary Clinton:
Moderate- no.

Realist - maybe

Pragmatist - definently

Barack Obama:

Moderate - no

Realist - on occasion

Pragmatist - on occasion

Politially ruthless - definently

Michael Jackson once put out a record called "Bad" which was his dopey pop-culture take on the gana scene. Weird Al Yankovic put out a parody call "Even Worse"

I think that's about where we stand now.


By Anonymous Anonymous, at Tue Jan 08, 08:10:00 PM:

I reacted to Hillary's tears with a measure of disgust. Crying on TV in the context of a political race, and she thinks she has what it takes to lead the country?


By Blogger Christopher Chambers, at Tue Jan 08, 09:39:00 PM:

She might just pull it off by the skin of he teeth in NH. But she's going to concede Nevada and SC. Look, Obama's preferredby independents voting in on the Dem side by a huge margin. The advantage for her was with on registered Dems who likely are sways by Bill and the promise of more largesse. But when you factor in Edwards' folk how can anyone deny that the majority simply does not want her? See, this is why the GOP wants her to be the nominee, and it's not because she's a convenient bugbear. It's that she and Bill and really not much different from the Bushnitwits and Cheneybots...except that their single minded poison Kool Aid is grape, the Bush disciples prefer cherry...  

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