
Sunday, July 15, 2007

"Impartial" journalists? 

You may be vaguely aware that CNN and Michael Moore are in the middle of a pissing contest over whether CNN did, or did not, say inaccurate things about Moore's most recent inaccurate movie, "Sicko." CNN's latest riposte, in response to a scornful public letter that Moore wrote CNN, says this:

In response to a letter Michael Moore wrote about CNN's reporting on his documentary "SiCKO," a CNN spokesperson released the following statement:

"It's ironic that someone who has made a career out of holding powerful interests accountable is so sensitive to having his own work held up to the light by impartial journalists, as we did in our examination of 'SiCKO,' " the spokesperson said.

"Impartial journalists"?

Reluctant as I am to criticize anybody taking a shot at Michael Moore, the whole idea is asinine. The only thing more asinine is the wholly disingenuous claim that Moore has "made a career out of holding powerful interests accountable."

Read the whole thing, or as much as you can bear. Moore and CNN -- both titans of conventional media -- are fisking each other, a style of criticism that achieved popularity only with blogging.


By Blogger Van Helsing, at Sun Jul 15, 10:50:00 PM:

First Sheehan vs. Pelosi, now CNN vs. Michael Moore. The Freddy vs. Jason concept is really catching on.  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Mon Jul 16, 12:47:00 AM:

Funy isnt it when the eat their own kind just like those creepy alien bugs from that movie version of LOST IN SPACE  

By Blogger Christopher Chambers, at Mon Jul 16, 01:11:00 AM:

I suppose to brownshirts like you guys Moore and CNN are on the same side, or "eating their own" or other such snarky horseshite as that (by the way, I belief Anne Coulter auditioned for the role of space spider in Lost in Space...but there was no effective way of cloning her genitalia). Then again, could Warner and Hegel and Lugar be part of an internecine chomp-fest? Or the current Surgeon General, complaining about his own GOP friends making him slave to fanatical evangelicals and big money heath corporations? Lord have mercy, wait until McCain realizes that all of his butt kissing has gone for naught, has a Nam flashback and unloads...and my favorite, Colin Powell having closed door pow-wows with Obama. What chewing he could do on this Administration, on so many levels (you all are about to see that he, yes, indeed is a pissed off black man).

The punchline in all of this is that CNN and the rest of the media outside of the Ministry of Truth (Fox News, the New York Post, etc.) is not on anyone's "side" but it's own, and the advertisers. Sort of like the Catholic Church on the eve of the Reformation. It's got dick to do with dogma. It's about ratings and earnings and exposure. Moore just called them out, so yeah, I guess you should be defending him. LOL  

By Blogger Purple Avenger, at Mon Jul 16, 01:16:00 AM:

I suppose to brownshirts like you guys Moore and CNN are on the same side

Only in the very loosest of terms. Moore is simply a far left media whore. So far left that even the Bolsheviks at CNN find him odious.  

By Blogger dave in boca, at Mon Jul 16, 05:56:00 AM:

[Moore] told a Berlin audience that Americans are the dumbest people in the world...[and MM is walking proof of just how stupid one American can be!]

Funny how when Bill Clinton was POTUS, the party-line was that "the American people in their wisdom"...whenever they supported one of his programs. Didn't Moore graduate from Moo U in East Lansing? Maybe that's where he got his impression of the IQ of Americans.

Too bad lhe didn't attend Ann Arbor's University [he probably couldn't qualify cuz of grades or SATs] and discover that many Americans are extremely intelligent, even in his native state of Michigan!  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Mon Jul 16, 08:01:00 AM:

Moore's just pissed because CNN did not show him the unconditional love he is accustomed to getting from the rest of his lefty friends. The guy can dish it out, but he can't take it.

Bet he got his ass kicked quite regularly on the playground.  

By Blogger K. Pablo, at Mon Jul 16, 08:43:00 AM:

I think it is particularly risible that Moore quibbles about Keckley's supposed lack of impartiality because of GOP connections. This from a douchebag who occupied a double-wide seat at the DNC Convention in 2004.

Gupta thrashed Moore quite handily, despite the former's clear leftist leanings. It was gratifying to see Moore gulp as Gupta compared waiting times for emergency cardiac catheterizations in the U.S. vs. Canada. Moore is not that far away from considering where & when he wants to have his bypass operation.  

By Blogger Georg Felis, at Mon Jul 16, 09:21:00 AM:

Actually you have to look at the bright side on this. CNN is actually capable of a well written criticism of a leftist point of view. One data point does not a trend create, but there may be hopeā€¦  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Mon Jul 16, 10:19:00 AM:

Hardly anyone watches CNN any more, and "Sicko" is tanking in theatres. These two are made for each other.


By Anonymous Anonymous, at Mon Jul 16, 12:01:00 PM:

Thanks for reproving Godwin's law Christopher.  

By Blogger antithaca, at Mon Jul 16, 01:27:00 PM:

Seconding Iowa_John...Christopher Chambers, you loose.

In case anyone doesn't alread know: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin's_law  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Mon Jul 16, 03:00:00 PM:

Haha...Godwin's law.

Chambers, we're all experienced enough on the interwebs to know a troller's bait when we see it.  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Mon Jul 16, 04:29:00 PM:

iowa_john... reprove doesn't mean to prove again. It is rather a synonym of chide, scold, and censure. Christopher did Godwin the thread, and did so ironically - trolling comments in an attempt to shut down criticism seems closer, though still light years away from rampaging through the streets killing and burning one's opponents, which remains the exclusive territory of leftists and Islamists.  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Mon Jul 16, 08:01:00 PM:

Once again, Christopher Chambers demonstrates why his books are ranked in the 300,000 range on Amazon.com.  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Mon Jul 16, 10:29:00 PM:

looks like I dropped the dash in re-prove, which will learn me to try to be "funny".  

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