
Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Timing is everything 

You don't often get this sort of hilarity from the BBC:

Saddam Hussein has urged Iraqis to seek reconciliation, two days after being sentenced to death by hanging for crimes against humanity.

Huh. I thought that hanging Saddam was reconciliation.


By Blogger skipsailing, at Tue Nov 07, 04:19:00 PM:

Reconciliation and catharsis are important steps for the iraqis is there is ever to be an Iraq.

There are people in that country that hate each other and with good reason. We lose sight of the facts concerning Saddam's tyranny. For example Paul Bremmer notes that every Iraqi police station had a rape room in Saddam's day. Try to imagine that, the police raping any woman they chose and the citizenry powerless to prevent it.

it's hardly surprising then that there is blood letting. It's also not surprising that the ba athists are now caught in a tangled web. They supported Saddam, when he fell the aligned with the truly evil AQIZ and now they face the wrath of a truly enraged population.

Hanging Saddam now would not be the correct move IMHO. I think that there is more the Iraqis need to say and more that the world needs to hear. All the pious sanctimony that is offered by the peace at any price crowd tends to ignore the way this man raped this country.

A complete catharsis may not be possible. given the strong confessional, clan and tribal ties of the arabs a reconciliation may be a long time coming, but we must allow those whom Saddam oppressed their day in court. he must be made to listen to a retelling of his evil deeds, if for no other reason that closure for the survivors.  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Tue Nov 07, 11:31:00 PM:

In JARAN they have that eacko cult leader on death row remember the one whos followers released that poison gas in the tokyo subway? they plan to hang him to  

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