Saturday, September 23, 2006
Tony Blair's in-law problems
It's a good thing that the Brits don't celebrate Thanksgiving, because this year's reunion at 10 Downing Street would be pretty darn uncomfortable. Prime Minister Blair's sister-in-law is cavorting with George Galloway and, in a most un-British revelation, announced to the press that her family embarrasses her.
Lauren Booth (2nd R), sister-in-law of Britain's Prime Minister Tony Blair, joins an anti-war protest march with George Galloway (2nd L) ahead of the start of the British Labour party's annual conference in Manchester, northern England September 23, 2006. Booth fronted one of the anti-war demonstrations, telling reporters it was a 'massive embarrassment' for her to be related to Blair.
I expect that Tony Blair's reciprocating emotion is less embarrassment than contempt.
By Sissy Willis, at Sat Sep 23, 06:01:00 PM:
By Assistant Village Idiot, at Sat Sep 23, 10:30:00 PM:
Yes, the massive embarassment of having the press pay attention to you when you'd otherwise be a complete nobody must be just brutal.
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She's "cavorting with George Galloway"......
and being related to Tony Blair is an embarassment?
By bob, at Mon Sep 25, 06:09:00 AM:
Yeah, I'd be mroe embarassed to be even seen near George Galloway...