
Wednesday, July 12, 2006

This is going to be a harsh campaign 

The Democrats, having complained about Republicans exploiting military imagery in election campaigns, are now exploiting military imagery -- albeit defeatist military imagery -- in an election campaign. Conservatives are outraged.

*Sigh.* It is going to be a long campaign.


By Blogger Cardinalpark, at Wed Jul 12, 01:17:00 PM:

The more they do that stuff, the more votes it will cost them...they have not learned the lessons of '68 and '72.  

By Blogger Tom the Redhunter, at Wed Jul 12, 02:39:00 PM:

Sure, the GOP used military imagery, but it was the imagery of victory, not of defeat. cardinalpark has it right, but not only are they trying to repeat 1972, they're going for the Carterism of 1976 and '80 as well.

They have not learned that whatever the situatio in Iraq, Americans aren't losers and don't like to be viewed as such.

Further, let's remember that FDR banned reporters fromo publishing photos of dead Americans. The reason was simple; he knew it would be demoralizing, and would undermine his demand for "unconditional surrender" from the Axis powers.  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Wed Jul 12, 09:13:00 PM:

But we're progressives, and we lie, distort and slander ... BECAUSE WE CARE.  

By Blogger GreenmanTim, at Wed Jul 12, 10:32:00 PM:

And yet Matthew Brady published photographs of the Union dead at Antietam and it stiffened northern resolve. All depends on how they are presented and the perspective of the viewer.  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Wed Jul 12, 10:57:00 PM:

I agree with those who believe this is a losing tactic. Whether you vote right or left there better be a very strong reason or you will lose, not gain, votes.

Right off hand no very strong reasons come to mind but I cannot say there is never one.

I suppose this is somewhat analogous. Suppose there had just been a shooting, somewhat like Columbine, in your district. Your opponent voted against a gun control bill on some occasion. Would you then run ads showing the bodies and saying "this is what my opponent wants?"

And do you think those ads would help you?  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Thu Jul 13, 12:35:00 AM:

The DNC has reached many a low point in recent years, but using my fellow soldiers who have fallen in battle in order to produce funds for thier campaign is...well I can't say what it is.

P.S. The last time checked, those blacks standing outside the Superdome were there because Ray Nagin, a DEMOCRAT, told them to go there.  

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