
Thursday, May 11, 2006

Asymmetrical intoxication 

Cassandra has a thing or two to say about responsbility:

I'm just curious: if willingly becoming intoxicated constitutes an excuse, why can't any of the men in these incidents claim that as a defense?

Oh. Because that excuse only works for thoroughly modern women who demand complete equality and freedom while reserving the right to claim victim status later on when they are confronted with the consequences of their actions.

Being male, I'm not authorized to comment on her post, but I believe that I am still permitted to link to it.


By Blogger The Leading Wedge, at Thu May 11, 10:20:00 AM:

That's the kind of thing they talk about over at Vox Populi. In a rather distressing way, in my opinion.  

By Blogger Steve Burri, at Thu May 11, 10:28:00 AM:

It would be politically correct to explore your feminine side. Go ahead and comment.  

By Blogger Cassandra, at Thu May 11, 03:39:00 PM:

It would be politically correct to explore your feminine side.

That is something I would pay to see :)

Thanks for the laugh, Steve.

And thank you for the link, TH.  

By Blogger Dawnfire82, at Thu May 11, 07:33:00 PM:

"Being male, I'm not authorized to comment on her post"

Yet another symptom of the warped 'egalitarian' system in which we dwell.  

By Blogger Cassandra, at Fri May 12, 02:50:00 PM:

Oh quit whining. Men and children have perfectly equal rights with women, so long as you all do exactly as we tell you.  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Fri May 19, 09:42:00 PM:

I'm sorry, but I'm always disappointed by the femme-misogynism of Cassandra and TH's vague gesturing in that direction. It's really way beneath most of the discussion here.

Yes, there is a lot of "Monday morning quarterbacking" (well, probably mostly Saturday & Sunday) about what happened during a sexual encounter -- particularly one between the young & inebriated. I'm sure there are women who erroneously cast themselves as victims in consentual sex -- there are probably at least as many who convince themselves that something that was not at all consentual actually probably was. (Or will be next time, if only he'd call . . . .)

Sure, "responsibility" is one aspect -- but the really important part is about general respect of self and others and sexual attitudes in the first place. About women honoring themselves and being raised to believe that they are not merely validated by men's opinions of them. And about men honoring women and their right to physical autonomy. And everyone putting their totally natural and healthy sexual desires in some sort of social context -- where others' feelings are truly considered. And about everyone honoring the sexual expression as something at least somewhat important.

If sex is going to be purely recreational -- everyone should be totally clear that everyone is totally clear on that. Most people in these situations are not -- often of their own expections and probably more often of the other person's. Most sex between strangers is probably not a great idea -- even if it "seemed like a good idea at the time"!  

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