
Thursday, March 04, 2004

This is a heckuva typo 

Nigeria has pulled back from an earlier press statement that it had discussed acquiring nuclear power from Pakistan. The reference to nuclear weapons was a "typographical error," said a defence ministry spokesman.

Apparently this is not the first time this has happened:

In January, there was similar confusion in Nigeria after a spokesman for Vice-President Atiku Abubakar said he had discussed acquiring missile technology with his North Korean counterpart, Yang Hyong-sop.

A government spokesman later said that Nigeria had no plans to acquire such technology.

How much confusion can you have over a question like this? Who believes the retractions? So apparently we have another heavily Muslim country, drowning in both oil and poverty, that apparently feels the need for atomic weapons and the missles to project them.

UPDATE: An astute reader notes other press accounts that attribute the confusion not to a typographical error, but to fast-talking Pakistanis.


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