
Saturday, March 06, 2004

Back from Florida... 

My flight arrived at Newark ("Nerck," to the locals) two hours late on account of fog, but I have made it home safely from Orlando theme park madness and look forward to a weekend of "west and welaxation."

My father-in-law observed that Epcot looked dated, and that Disney seemed to be milking it. I agree. The international pavillions around the lake are fun, but the first section of the park devoted to technology is shopworn and banal. The geodesic dome contained a tedious "one world" exhibit sponsored by AT&T, describing "information superhighway" technology that is yesterday's news to anybody reading this blog. The "Innoventions" pavillion is also very lame, with a "testing laboratory" sponsored by Underwriters Laboratory that seriously calls into question the reliability of the UL seal of approval.

The new space ride, however, was worth the price of admission. Although you have to endure countless warnings about the potential for "upset stomach" or stress from being "confined in a small dark space," the "astronaut training simulators" do manage to create strong sensations of elevated G-force, weightlessness, and so forth. Quite remarkable.


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