
Friday, March 09, 2007

The price of surrender in Iraq just went up 

I, for one, find it both fascinating and unbelievably dispiriting that at least some Democratic Congressmen regard their vote to withdraw from Iraq as just another opportunity for legislative horse-trading, and that the Democratic Congressional leadership sees nothing wrong with pandering to that attitude.

Democrats seeking votes for their Iraq-withdrawal plan have stuffed the bill it's in with billions of dollars for farms, flu preparedness, New Orleans levees, home heating and other causes.

As the linked article makes clear, the Democrats are spending billions of dollars -- $20 billion and counting -- for pork-barrel projects that could not pass otherwise in order to secure the votes necessary to force the United States to surrender in Iraq. Principle being an apparently insufficient basis for a vote on the future of a war, Democrats are, in effect, buying and selling the lives and limbs of American soldiers and countless Iraqis, the future of Iraq, the security of the Persian Gulf, and, possibly, the success of the long struggle against radical Islam. That is, frankly, disgusting even by Congressional standards.


By Blogger Elwood Russell, at Sat Mar 10, 03:26:00 AM:

Jacksonian Democrats are seething.  

By Blogger A Jacksonian, at Sat Mar 10, 05:39:00 AM:

Congress has been and remains incompetent and do not use their powers to protect the Nation, and then blame others for *their* lack of capability.

And now FARC thinks it can get a respite from being pressed by this same Congress. And that bodes ill for the Union due to the connections of FARC with other terrorist organizations.  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Sat Mar 10, 08:23:00 AM:

The Horra! The Horra!  

By Blogger Purple Avenger, at Sat Mar 10, 09:06:00 AM:

I'm feeding at the enviro-pork trough right now. Its raining dollar bills and retardation in south FL when it some to environmental money wasting on lake Okeechobee and the swamp.

Good times. Thanks Nancy.  

By Blogger skipsailing, at Sat Mar 10, 09:12:00 AM:

Recently I met with my Congressb*tch, Marcy Kaptur. We discussed her vote on the non binding resolution and I made clear my contempt for her.

She seemed perplexed and kept repeating: But we haven't cut off the money, we haven't cut off the funding. She refered to this at least four times during our brief chat.

I told her that there was more to America than money and that all washington did was spend our money. She seemed even more perplexed.

I honestly believe that these guys have no problem doing what they are doing. Their world has its own rules and morality and they don't recognize the seething rage that is now spreading in America.

Pork and a dreadful lack of morality cost many republicans their jobs in the last go round. I cannot imagine that the Democrats are any less imune to the anger of their constituents.

And just listen to the Bullshit they are spending on. Support for the avocado farmers? Why? don't they have crop insurance? and if they don't why does that mean they get my money?

Our government is out of control and as the left relies on this tool to solve all manner of imaginary ills our freedoms are being eroded.

We have a problem in washington and we ignore it at our peril.  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Sat Mar 10, 09:30:00 AM:

Hmmmmmm........you expected better?
(The gang that couldn't surrender straight.)  

By Blogger D.E. Cloutier, at Sat Mar 10, 10:34:00 AM:

Although I grew up in a political family, I could never be a politican. I don't have a problem interacting with people who have different political opinions. And I like many uneducated working folks. But I have a low level of tolerance for pompous, dogmatic, well-schooled fools who continuously pontificate in silly ways about things outside their areas of expertise. And Congress is full of those people.  

By Blogger TigerHawk, at Sat Mar 10, 10:38:00 AM:


I couldn't agree more. I really don't like "well-schooled fools who continuously pontificate in silly ways about things outside their areas of expertise." Even though there is a pretty good argument that I am one!  

By Blogger D.E. Cloutier, at Sat Mar 10, 10:46:00 AM:

No, you're not one, Tigerhawk. When you don't know, you say you don't know.

This is the only blog I read regularly.  

By Blogger Cassandra, at Sat Mar 10, 11:31:00 AM:

...and yet the line item veto is unconstitutional.


By Blogger Tom the Redhunter, at Sat Mar 10, 12:36:00 PM:

If the Democrats are so opposed to the war that they think it ought to be ended then they should at least do the honest thing and demand an immediate cut-off of funds. But instead they opt for a "slow bleed" strategy; let the troops fight on and die and pull them out just before the 08 elections so we won't have to deal with it.  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Sat Mar 10, 12:40:00 PM:

America, Mark Twain once said, is a nation without a distinct criminal class "with the possible exception of Congress."  

By Blogger allen, at Sat Mar 10, 12:46:00 PM:


re: "I have a low level of tolerance for pompous, dogmatic, well-schooled fools who continuously pontificate in silly ways about things outside their areas of expertise. And Congress is full of those people."

For better or worse, no "areas of expertise" are required?

“No Person shall be a Representative who shall not have attained to the Age of twenty five Years, and been seven Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State in which he shall be chosen.”
___Article I, Section 2 – The House

“No person shall be a Senator who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty Years, and been nine Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State for which he shall be chosen.”
___Article I, Section 3 – The Senate

“The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, elected by the people thereof, for six years; and each Senator shall have one vote.”
___Amendment 17

The voting public is even less encumbered. Indeed, some municipalities are talking of dispensing with the requirement of citizenship entirely. Such disregard for Constitutional requirements might seem farfetched; but who could have imagined that churches would now be harboring illegal aliens, with impunity, claiming the right of “sanctuary”?  

By Blogger Lanky_Bastard, at Sat Mar 10, 01:16:00 PM:

How dare congress try to save us the two billion dollars a week we dump in Iraq, and then turn around and spend some of it on domestic issues!

I'm calling my congresssman to demand more money be spent overseas and less on US citizens!  

By Blogger Christopher Chambers, at Sat Mar 10, 02:38:00 PM:

"Surrender" in Iraq? Strong word. Sad and silly use of it. You know better...  

By Blogger Ken McCracken, at Sat Mar 10, 04:31:00 PM:

Ah, and what would you call it then, Christopher Chambers?


By Blogger Gordon Smith, at Sat Mar 10, 08:48:00 PM:


I'm shocked (Shocked!) that the woman you refer to as a bitch was confused by your outrage.

I'm guessing you didn't present a reasoned argument, instead marching in and frothing about defeatocrats or somesuch right wing blogadelic nonsensery.

Angry people rarely argue well. Fearful people argue even worse.  

By Blogger Dawnfire82, at Mon Mar 12, 01:20:00 AM:

"How dare congress try to save us the two billion dollars a week we dump in Iraq, and then turn around and spend some of it on domestic issues!

I'm calling my congresssman to demand more money be spent overseas and less on US citizens!"

So the members of the military who are serving in said overseas location so you don't have to, (face it; if they didn't volunteer we would have a conscript army, and your number just might come up) don't deserve financial support, and in fact deserve it so little that taking money from them to support wasteful, socialistic nanny-state style policies and pork is a fine idea.

Glad to know where you stand.  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Mon Mar 12, 04:09:00 PM:

Leave it to the demacrats to load upa impoertant bill with pork the demacrats should dump the donkey in favor of a old sow lying on its side with the piggies sucking away  

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