
Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Karl Rove planted the grenade 

By now all newshounds know that an inactive grenade was found near the site where President Bush made a speech in Tbilisi, Georgia. At least some of the paranoids in the Democratic Underground believe that Karl Rove planted the grenade:
Here's my theory: We all know Bush has been treated like the demon he is when he goes overseas, where people with actual critical thinking skills and a real media know who he is and aren't as susceptible to the Pravda-like pro-Bush propaganda we have rammed down our throats on a daily basis.

This latest trip was different -- cheering mobs, large crowds, etc. What a great visual -- now, Rove must be thinking, how to make it last longer? how to make these glowing images shoot around the world?

Isn't an "attempt" on Bush's life the perfect foil? It will force the media to ruminate on it, show the positive background footage and have all the pundits marvel at what a wonderful trip this was and how out of place this act of hostility seemed.

Whatever did happen, we do know this: It's not what they're saying. I would believe nothing from this crowd.

Responses include:
I opened this thread thinking "oh great, here comes some wacky far-fetched explanation" yet finished the thread thinking "shit, that's actually probably right!"

Nothing would surprise me anymore, and your explanation is actually logical.

And don't miss:
Seriously, if "conventional wisdom" is any gauge, the people here on DU are far more tethered to reality than the inside-the-Beltway whores, the religiously insane Falwells and Dobsons, and the mindless sheep who accept everything they're told and question nothing.

Or finally this:
But [the assassination of Bush] might be something the real powers-that-be are keeping in their back pocket: one final, grand use for the puppet. We all at one time or another have entertained the scenario, then came to the inevitable conclusion that it wouldn't change anything and only could make it worse. But think of the new possibilities such a chess move would open up for the other side. These people with their grand designs for the world have, I suspect.
Bwahahaha! The theory is that Karl Rove faked an extremely serious crime in a foreign country by either duping the security services of both countries or suborning them, all because it would improve Bush's press coverage?

As many have pointed out, if Karl Rove is that good, why do the Democrats even both coming to work in the morning?

CWCID: Wizbang.


By Blogger Pile OnĀ®, at Wed May 11, 09:13:00 AM:

So I can dream up whatever BS I want, absent of any evidence and if it is about the right person it is plausible?

I can work with that.  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Wed May 11, 04:42:00 PM:

The tinfoil hatters at DU have accused Rove and Bush of everything including causing the Sumatran tsunami and running a child sex slave ring with Jeff Gannon starring as missing Des Moines paper boy Johnny Gosch. You could probably send them into a downward spiral of recrimination by dropping a post over there that certain posters on DU are actually plants by Rove & Co. Don't think I haven't thought about it.  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Wed May 11, 10:16:00 PM:

Permission granted chad.  

By Blogger Admin, at Thu May 12, 11:26:00 AM:

Where I can understand and support some derision at the expense of the DU tinfoilers, though I must disclaim I read their Breaking News forum, I can understand how some Americans can come to believe that their own government would stoop to this sort of trick.

We are, after all, the people who were asked to do the following:

"Remember the Maine!"

"Remember the Alamo!"

"Remember the Bay of Tonkin!"

"Remember Pearl Harbor!" (though there is evidence Roosevelt knew an attack was imminent)

"Accept a war based initially on the premise that the country had WMD capable of threatening us."

"Accept the National State of Emergency declared over Nicaragua!"

As well as, endure constant changes in the National Threat Alerts during the Election of 2004, only to have them evaporate afterwards.

I also seem to recall an Office of Strategic Influence which was, at least, publicly scraped by the Pentagon, which would be created with the purpose of providing false information to the world press corp.

Where any and none of these examples will do in isolation; many Americans see a pattern in behavior of the Warmakers (whoever they happen to be at the time).

Fear is tool. It has been used more than once in our history - It is being used right now - It will be used again.

Where I doubt the legitimacy of the tinfoilers grenade claim, I do understand how a people fed on a diet of fear grow fat with paranoia.  

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