Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Official Avengers Trailer
, atBy Georg Felis, at Wed Oct 12, 10:09:00 AM:
Ohpleasedon'tletthenscrewthisup, ohpleasedon'tletthemscrewthisup....
, atScarlett Johansson in tight leather. There is a god.
By John Foster, at Wed Oct 12, 01:04:00 PM:
By djmoore, at Wed Oct 12, 01:28:00 PM:
"Billionaire genius playboy philanthropist"
Easy to see who's gonna get the good lines.
Some things are an acquired taste. For me, having endured the horrid comic book "movies" of my youth, this latest batch always entaintains me.
, at
Just another liberal film, isn't it? Thor laughs at Ironman for being a billionaire genius, Ironman says "If we can't protect the earth, you can be damn sure we will avenge it." Nearly every single line in this trailer is sounding liberal. I
won't be attending.
By Aegon01, at Thu Oct 13, 11:23:00 AM:
Well if you want a conservative comic book movie, watch "300" again. "Freedom isn't free"? It can't be helped that most comic book writers, and Joss Whedon, are kinda liberal.
, atJoss Whedon's "Firefly" was pretty darn Libertarian, if you ask me. Let's see what he turns out and then we will be able to judge it better.