Monday, March 22, 2010
Thousand words
By JPMcT, at Mon Mar 22, 07:12:00 AM:
Heh...they'd better get working on their "jobs" bill...they will be responsible for about another 4 million lost with the high colonic enema that they gave the country last night.
, atPacemakers will be available tomorrow at Wal-Mart next to the optical department. Take your pick and remember to take it to your cardiologist for the next available appointment.
, at
No Prisoners !
After this weekend it's abundantly clear that we have to aim to vote all Democrats out of Congress.
Shelly Silver is the most powerful person in New York politics, and has been for some time -- but not 1 person in 10 in New York could tell you who he is. He's a cancer in the body politic. He heads the Democrats in the Assembly, NYS's House, with near total control. Every year he negotiates the state budget with whoever's in the Governor's seat at the time -- in private. I asked someone who'd know "how does Shelly do it?" Answer: He has dirt on all the key players. Cross Shelly, and you're in the papers in a scandal. ... and he throws people a few bones.
I go into this because Pelosi is now our Shelly. But Shelly shies from public attention, is cold-blooded rational, isn't an ideologue, and plays with millions into the billions. Nancy wants to be Queen, is deluded, is an ideologue and plays with billions into the trillions.
Maybe half the House Democrats yesterday didn't want to vote for Healthcare. They got "Shellyed." Not one of them had the balls to do a McCain. Just a few voted passive aggressive No.
House Democrats represent their party, not their constituents. The party is now run by a handful of ideologues -- this is abundantly clear. They will bankrupt us inside of five years -- and they're either too stupid to realize this, don't care, or actually desire it. They have to be stopped.
No prisoners !
By Georg Felis, at Mon Mar 22, 08:58:00 AM:
Today Obama has succeeded beyond his wildest nightmares...
, at
But, it is not about healthcare; it is about the destruction of the middle class in America and the destruction of America as we know it.
Obama's pimps will try to destroy our military with a claim that we must have those resources to pay for last night's abortion.
And, no one will talk about saving billions by becoming self-sufficient in oil by drilling/using our own reserves instead of buying from outsiders.
I don't know whether Obama is a Kenyan or not (neither do you), but I know that he and his owners are hiding something. We must learn what he is hiding before it is too late.
This bill will NOT lower taxes nor the deficit.
Look at all the countries with health care like this - high tax rates, high unemployment, etc.
Since healthcare is now a government mandated "right", I'm waiting to be fined for not voting, not attending a political rally, not practicing my religion, not owning a gun......
Since healthcare is a right, when will housing, food, and clothing become a "right", since I obviously can't survive without them either....
Is there yet a site that has the pictures of those who voted yes, each with a target on his/her chest. We need to know who they are and where they are from to help them with their future career decisions.
Does Stupack REALLY believe that, because of the Kenyan's XO, that there will be no federally funded murder of black infants in Philadelphia or the D.C. this week?
Republicans are going to have to be on their toes. If Pelosi and Obama are sharp, they will shift the focus to something that divides Republicans and plays to a more positive perception of Democrats.
In the health care battle Republicans banked a huge bag of capital with independents. For once they were not just a bunch of suits over in the corner on the right side of the room.
An immigration gambit that shows Republicans as having no new ideas will move them back into the corner. In order to build on recent success the immigration debate on the Republican side will need to be reframed using the themes which are currently resonating with the public.
Republicans need to know that their real enemy is Democrats, not Mexicans. Democrats need to know that Republicans are aiming at them and will not be distracted.
So the immigration stance of Republicans needs to be built around the themes of individual freedom, reduced government spending and deficits, reduced government control over our daily lives, and smaller government. That will probably mean a center of gravity right of McCain and left of the Arizona sheriff.
We also need to seem some new faces in the front ranks. I think Rubio has a lot to offer Republicans on this topic.
By John, at Mon Mar 22, 12:31:00 PM:
Shouldn't comparing Democrats to Islamic terrorists be considered out-of-bounds?
, at
Shouldn't comparing Democrats to Islamic terrorists be considered out-of-bounds?
You would think but then again these are the folks who have no problem calling people nig*ers and faggots to their face. And on camera.
David Frum has a scathing article today about his fellow Republicans :
"A huge part of the blame for today’s disaster attaches to conservatives and Republicans ourselves.
At the beginning of this process we made a strategic decision: unlike, say, Democrats in 2001 when President Bush proposed his first tax cut, we would make no deal with the administration. No negotiations, no compromise, nothing. We were going for all the marbles. This would be Obama’s Waterloo – just as healthcare was Clinton’s in 1994.
This time, when we went for all the marbles, we ended with none.
Could a deal have been reached? Who knows? But we do know that the gap between this plan and traditional Republican ideas is not very big. The Obama plan has a broad family resemblance to Mitt Romney’s Massachusetts plan. It builds on ideas developed at the Heritage Foundation in the early 1990s that formed the basis for Republican counter-proposals to Clintoncare in 1993-1994.
We followed the most radical voices in the party and the movement, and they led us to abject and irreversible defeat.
There were leaders who knew better, who would have liked to deal. But they were trapped.
Conservative talkers on Fox and talk radio had whipped the Republican voting base into such a frenzy that deal-making was rendered impossible.
Yes it [talk radio] mobilizes supporters – but by mobilizing them with hysterical accusations and pseudo-information, overheated talk has made it impossible for representatives to represent and elected leaders to lead....
So today’s defeat for free-market economics and Republican values is a huge win for the conservative entertainment industry. Their listeners and viewers will now be even more enraged, even more frustrated, even more disappointed in everybody except the responsibility-free talkers on television and radio. For them, it’s mission accomplished. For the cause they purport to represent, it’s Waterloo all right: ours."
I disagree with Frum, totally. Conservative media have their own agenda, agreed. But legislation under Obama went badly starting with Stimulus. A crisis was used not to "stimulate" but to advance other agendas. TARP was hijacked to pay-off the UAW. Energy was -- and is -- a total abomination that does nothing to lower real pollution or advance energy independence.
Then came Healthcare.
By JPMcT, at Mon Mar 22, 05:49:00 PM:
"The Obama plan has a broad family resemblance to Mitt Romney’s Massachusetts plan. It builds on ideas developed at the Heritage Foundation in the early 1990s that formed the basis for Republican counter-proposals to Clintoncare in 1993-1994."
Before we lust after this missed opportunity to have our signatures under this bill, lets not forget the little fact that the seemilgly wondrous Mass. health care plan is a fiscal disaster and grossly unpopular.
Mr. Ed is spot on about Immigration beeing a potential issue that can used against Republicans. Obama likes to keep in perpetual campaign mode as a distraction.
, at
Shouldn't comparing Democrats to Islamic terrorists be considered out-of-bounds?
After 8 years of BusHitler? No.
The left stated "the rules" and "limits" pretty clearly during Bush's two terms. Now they're going to have to swallow the fruit of that poison seed they planted and so lovingly nurtured to maturity.
By Gary Rosen, at Tue Mar 23, 02:00:00 AM:
"You would think but then again these are the folks who have no problem calling people nig*ers and faggots to their face. And on camera."
Unlike the honorable left that only calls people "teabaggers". Spare me your dishonest, hypocritical sanctimony - not surprising from someone who doesn't have the balls to sign his name. It wasn't a Republican presidential candidate who called Jews "hymies", or a Republican ex-president who ranted about Jews as if he were David Duke in a televised interview (Jimmy Carter).
What's the big deal? I use the word tea bag at least once a day.
Is tea bagger word now suppose to be the T-word? Please.
It's not the word itself, it's the double standard. You can call me anything, just not late to supper.
News stories were generated over the last few days about how Tea Bagging Protesters used slurs and epithets. These stories may actually be false, but the meme is that Tea Baggers are fringe and unhinged.
Not like Keith Olbermann ... who gets paid to be a nutty douchebag.
By Gary Rosen, at Wed Mar 24, 01:13:00 AM:
No it *is* the word "tea-bagger" itself. It is a reference to a homosexual act. If right-wingers were using it on the left anon 12:48 would be screaming red bloody murder about "wingnut homophobes", more surely than an Eastern sunrise. Plus he didn't address my points about Jackson and Carter.
, at
"You would think but then again these are the folks who have no problem calling people nig*ers and faggots to their face. And on camera."
I read that there is in fact no "on camera" evidence. Nada. Zilch.
Even if it did happen, Tea Bagger = Faggot, doesn't it. Whence the double standard. Olbermann can even say it on air with malice aforethought.
Don Imus spontaneously says "natty headed hos" at 5:30 am in the morning -- immediately abjectly apologizes, and still gets fired. Whence the double standard.