
Thursday, May 07, 2009

George McGovern on EFCA 

Arlen Specter's recent party change has the effect of putting the Employee Free Choice Act back in play, since he will be hard-pressed next year to maintain his soft opposition to it as a Democratic candidate for the U.S. Senate in Pennsylvania.

George McGovern (who might still lay claim to being the most liberal politician ever to win the Democratic presidential nomination) acknowledges the Specter factor in his op-ed in today's Wall Street Journal, and goes on to write:
"Last year, I wrote on these pages that I was opposed to this bill because it would eliminate secret ballots in union organizing elections. However, the bill has an additional feature that isn't often mentioned but that is just as troublesome -- compulsory arbitration...

"...When it comes to labor disputes, both parties should be guaranteed a real chance for compromise under the joint economic threat of contract breakdowns. George Meany, president of the AFL-CIO for nearly 30 years before retiring in 1979, had it right in condemning mandatory arbitration as 'an abrogation of freedom.'"
Read the whole thing.

If George McGovern can't come out in favor of pro-labor legislation because of its distorting effects and potential unintended consequences, then maybe the bill really is a bad idea. It's as if former Republican Congressman from California Bob Dornan let it be known he was against a new proposed weapons system -- if "B-1 Bob" doesn't like it, it must really stink.


By Blogger davod, at Fri May 08, 03:03:00 AM:

"If George McGovern can't come out in favor of pro-labor legislation because of its distorting effects and potential unintended consequences, then maybe the bill really is a bad idea."

I wonder whether George McGovrn would be supported of the Federal Governmnts - Pro-labor company reorganizations - or would he be worried about about the distorting effects and potential unintended consequences.

I just watched a re-run of Greta on Fox. Dick Morris just finished telling Greta that the money the stressed banks need will not be real money, they will just transfer the money they aready have from the government for common stock.

Greta railed about the corporations just using another gimmick to screw the taxpayers. She continued on her rant, even after Morris said this would give the government far more control over running of the companies.

How long before these financial institutions vote to unionize the workforce.  

By Blogger davod, at Fri May 08, 03:08:00 AM:


McGoven has been in favor of card check or the mandatory negotiations.

Look no further than McGovern if you want to know how out of kilte the Democratic party is.  

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