
Saturday, May 02, 2009

Consumption in a time of hardship, conspicuous and otherwise 

Tom Maguire has noticed an interesting trend and corresponding counter trend in athletic footwear. There are many ways to lead, and a case can be made for both examples. Yes, if a Republican had gone to a food bank in $500 sneaks there would be hell to pay, but I also believe that Americans want their first lady to be stylish or elegant, depending on her age and temperament, when she's out and about.

CWCID: Glenn Reynolds.


By Anonymous NT, at Sat May 02, 10:23:00 AM:

This is a nonstory, just as the McCain footwear outrage during the campaign was a nonstory. Unfortunately, there are many useful idiots in our populace who will actually allow themselves to be influenced by this silliness.

Personally, I think those sneakers are fugly, and look especially bad on "big" girls like Michelle (which I can say, cuz I'm a big girl too). You learn early on not to dress in a manner that accentuate the fact that your feet look like skis.  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Sun May 03, 03:32:00 AM:

The last thing those shoes are is stylish and elegant.  

By Blogger Kinuachdrach, at Sun May 03, 07:38:00 PM:

As hypocrisy goes, wearing expensive imported sneakers to a food bank does not compare with sending your children to a very expensive private school while working to prevent other DC residents from having affordable options for educating their own children.

If Jimmy Carter were dead, he would be rolling over in his grave. Yet politically-correct eyes are being very firmly averted.

Any chance that the Obamas will use the Government Health Care they want to mandate for everyone else?  

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