
Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Iran plays coy 

Is it possible that international relations are being reduced to junior high school rules about dating?

The Obama administration is trying its best to open a dialogue with Tehran, first with President Obama's video, and then with a brief but direct diplomatic exchange in the Netherlands between high level officials of Iran and the U.S. It's like sending a note in class. But the headline today is: Iran denies US reports of warm talks at conference. No, I didn't talk to him, and I don't "like him, like him" or even like him in the first place.

Or maybe the Obama administration is like George in the Seinfeld episode "The Masseuse":

GEORGE: (he makes a sign to Jodi to wait and turns to Jerry) Jerry... This woman hates me so much. I'm starting to like her.

JERRY: What?

GEORGE: She just dislikes me so much... It's irresistible.

It is going to be difficult to engage the Mullahs if they are so concerned with "domestic perceptions of secret contacts" at non-secret international meetings that the Iranian government has to downplay a small but significant gesture on the part of the U.S.


By Anonymous T.A.R., at Wed Apr 01, 05:23:00 PM:

Woah. That's your version of junior high school dating rules? What sort of morally degenerate school did you go to? It is precisely this kind of attitudes that are directly responsible for the decline of Western civilization.

April Fools!  

By Anonymous sirius_sir, at Wed Apr 01, 05:51:00 PM:

I think we must give the Mullahs some slack. They are so despised by their people that the favorable, if not fawning, attention they are now receiving from the Obama Administration must seem nicely compensating.

Can anyone blame them for wanting to extend the feeling as long as possible?

They know their best option is to remain distant and coy. Past experience has taught them well that familiarity with them breeds contempt.  

By Blogger Aegon01, at Wed Apr 01, 07:32:00 PM:

It reminds me of this:

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