Saturday, December 27, 2008
Is Mr. Shoes Iraq's "Joe the Plumber"?
If you read this story about the upcoming election in Iraq and know anything at all about the history of our own fractious country, you cannot help but think that Iraqis are getting the hang of this democracy thing. In particular, the upcoming trial of Muntadar al-Zaidi, the reporter who tossed his shoes at President Bush, is becoming just another campaign controversy. I suspect, without knowing, that there is even an Iraqi blogosphere arguing about it.
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I realize you did not invent the "JTP" comparison, but it seems to me morally vacuous to compare an act of assault with asking a question.
Further, the left wing media and blogosphere ought to consider, in their JTP comparisons, their own response to this case: while they committed egregious illegal acts in trying to destroy the real Joe, they bend over backwards lauding the shoe hurler. That alone ought to tell them something is different.
Finally, to me there is something more than a little distasteful in the manifest cowardice of these cheering media whores: they all get that telltale tingle up the leg contemplating this man's act and all not so secretly wish they had the guts to have done something similar. So their attention is the tribute of a coward to a fool.
By TigerHawk, at Sat Dec 27, 08:54:00 PM:
I was not so much comparing what they did, as observing that they are both "everymen" who suddenly (for whatever reason) become almost metaphorical in an election campaign. No moral equivalence was implied.