Friday, October 03, 2008
That's OK, I can't count that high either
The Imperfect Vessel forgot (a) what year it is, (b) what year he got married, or (c) how to do math. I'm sure Michelle knows the answer, even if I do not.
In other Obama-related marriage news, we learn from the Sun-Times that as a young man he had his doubts about the institution.
Michelle Robinson and Barack Obama had been dating for a couple of years, and she was tired of his endless debates about whether marriage still meant anything as an institution.
So when Obama launched into one of those discussions yet again over dinner at a fancy restaurant in 1991, Robinson lit into her boyfriend, lecturing him on the need to get serious in their relationship.
As with all matters of great moment, though, Obama was only considering all sides of the question. In the end, he voted present:
Then dessert came. On the plate was a box. Inside was an engagement ring.
"He said, 'That kind of shuts you up, doesn't it?' " Michelle Obama recounted years later.
There's a Ron White routine along these lines, for those of you who know his awesome album, "Drunk in Public"
By CMT, at Fri Oct 03, 04:06:00 PM:
I think the more apt album title would be "You Can't Fix Stupid."
By stavr0s, at Fri Oct 03, 08:15:00 PM:
By Cassandra, at Sat Oct 04, 10:41:00 PM:
You can't fix stupid is probably one of the funniest things I've ever heard. Ron White is a God.