Saturday, October 04, 2008
Arab pee targeting
If you are a male person who has traveled in Europe, perhaps you have noticed that in some public urinals the local authorities have helpfully provided a target to "shoot" at. In Amsterdam's airport, for example, there are little pictures of insects in the urinals. Social science tells us that if men have a place to focus their aim they will, er, splatter less. This makes sense. Anybody who has trained a boy knows that targeting helps a lot.
A top hotel in the intensively managed Arab city of Dubai has adopted the same technique, but with a peculiar -- if bizarrely appropriate -- twist. A friend of mine emailed the following photograph yesterday:
My question: Does this evidence Arab contempt for bombs, or a disturbing fascination with them?
Release the hounds.
, at
Well, if it is a bomb with a burning fuse, aren't you then trying to put the fuse out? That is a good thing, right?
By D.E. Cloutier, at Sat Oct 04, 04:48:00 PM:
"Release the hounds."
Sorry, the hounds are at the fire hydrants.
By TigerHawk, at Sat Oct 04, 05:06:00 PM:
I think, Matt, that you are on to something. This sends the appropriate anti-terrorism message, which is precisely what we would expect in Dubai.
By Anthony, at Sat Oct 04, 08:38:00 PM:
At least it's not a Star of David. :/
, atUntil their behavior changes, I am going to have to go with "a disturbing fascination with" bombs. Deeds speak louder than urinal art.
By Gary Rosen, at Sun Oct 05, 03:17:00 AM:
Don't give them ideas, Anthony (only partly in jest).
By therealmccoy, at Mon Oct 06, 05:30:00 AM:
It appears to be the Danish cartoon of Mohammed with the bomb turban. That was the first of the Danish cartoons that go the muzzies all "upset".